This unique flatwoods and highland rim wet barrens or prairie is a tiny remnant of this globally rare plant community type. Most of the preserve is underlain by a sandy fragipan soil which means that it has seasonally standing water in both the wooded and open habitats. The best example of this plant community type remaining is May Prairie in Central Tennessee and this preserve protects a tiny amount of the biodiversity of what historically occurred in this habitat type. The small opening, less than 2 acres in size is dominated by various grasses, sedges and rushes including velvet witchgrass, arctic reedgrass, broomsedge, and bushy broomsedge and is the only known Kentucky location for the state endangered shortleaf skeleton grass. Other rare plants found here include the only known location for the state endangered dwarf or red sundew and state endangered hairy water primrose, narrow-leafed sundrops, and southern club moss; state threatened St. Andrew’s cross, and state special concern round-headed bush clover and globe beaked rush. Most of the preserve is seasonally wet flatwoods dominated by red maple, sweet gum, black gum, American beech, white oak, pin oak, scarlet oak, and American holly.
Open to public foot traffic on established trails. From Kentucky Highway 39 turn east onto Ocala Road and follow it for 1.4 miles and look for Hazeldell Church on the right hand side of the road. There is a gravel parking lot to the left of the church.