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High View Hill, Ohio County Fiscal Court, 257 acres.
This park is a mixture of young regenerating forest 10 to 20 years old and older more mature forest, old fields reverting to forest, old abandoned strip mine, and riparian forest along the Green River.  There are also rocky outcroppings and a cave on the slope overlooking the river.  The more mesic slope forests are dominated by sugar maple and the ravines are dominated by American beech whereas the upland forests are dominated by oaks, primarily white and chestnut.  The understory is a mixture of paw paw, spicebush, greenbrier, Christmas fern, and various grasses. The old fields reverting back to forest have much tulip tree, black walnut, sweet gum, white ash, and sassafras.  There is typical riparian forest along the river dominated by silver maple, box elder, and sycamore with some shumard oak and sugarberry and an understory of various sedges and Virginia wild rye. There is a significant problem with invasive species here with large amounts of tree-of-heaven and white mulberry along all the forest edges. At least 62 plant species have been observed at this site.


Open dawn to dusk daily for passive recreation only.  No mountain bikes, off-road vehicles, ATV's or horses are allowed on the trails.  From the Beaver Dam exit on the West Kentucky Parkway, travel south on US 231 and take the first right onto KY 269.  Follow KY 269 south past Prentiss to Barnes Lane and turn left and follow until you see the park entrance on the left and if you continue the road turns into overlook river road and there is a public boat ramp to access the Green River at the bottom of the hill.

Access Type: Open to Public
County: Ohio
Region: Green River Region
Size: 1256.71
Owner: Ohio County Fiscal Court

​Ohio County Fiscal Court

Purchased with Assistance of:
Lat: 37.327751
Long: -86.82332
Image of Terrapin Creek

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