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​​General Questions

Complaints can be registered anonymously within different Divisions inside the Energy and Environment Cabinet either online or via the helplines. If you wish to submit a complaint online, please use the KY Department for Environmental Protection (DEP) Complaint Form.

Environmental Complaint Phone Helplines:​

Complaint helplines are answered whenever possible during business hours. After hours, please leave a detailed message and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

  • Air: 502-782-6592 
  • Waste: 502-564-6716
  • Water: 502-564-3410
  • Report illegal dump activities or hazardous waste disposal: 502-564-3358
  • To issue a utility complaint: 800-772-4636  

Other Hotlines:

  • Report an environmental emergency: 800-928-2380
  • Report wildland arson: 800-27-ARSON
  • Report a mine accident: 877-MINE-911
  • Report an abandoned mine emergency: 877-495-9552

​​​The At-a-Glance document covers the most commonly issued environmental permits and authorizations issued by the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection. The Common Permits document lists commonly issued industrial environmental permits, application fees, and their regulator timeframes.​​​

​​​To take advantage of this privilege, entities must submit a letter to the appropriate Division director (Air, Water, or Waste Management) requesting coverage under KRS 224.1-040. The letter must be submitted promptly after the discovery of noncompliance and include an explanation of when the environmental audit was conducted and document that the audit was not conducted as part of a legal requirement. The letter must also address each of the following criteria: what violations were discovered, corrective action measures, and a statement that the discovery was not the result of a citizen suit, complaint, or imminent regulatory inspection. More information can be found at the following link: KRS 224.1-040.​​​

​​​The process to change the contact information varies with every permit. Please reach out to the Division directly or contact ECAP and we will help you. Contact us via email at or call 502-782-6189.​​​

​​Forms and their submission will vary for every Division.  Most of KY DEP forms can be found online in the DEP Forms Library. Electronic submittal of most forms is accepted via EEC eForms with an EEC eForms Account. There are a series of tutorial videos that cover how to create an eForms account and navigate the website to submit forms available on the Environmental Compliance Assistance Program webpage under the Self-Paced Online Learning section.

If unsure about which form to use or how to submit a form, please e-mail or call the Help Desk: 502-782-6189 for a status update.

To view environmental records, please submit an Open Records Request. More details can be found at the Environment and Energy Cabinet's (EEC) Open Records Page.

For all Energy and Environment Cabinet open records requests:​​

  • ​Email your request to  Be sure to include as much detail as possible about the records you are seeking. In the event of any questions regarding your request, please include a contact name and number. You may submit the optional Request to Inspect Public Records form to
  • Hard copy requests may also be submitted by mail to: Office of Administrative Services, Division of Information Services - Public Records Branch, 300 Sower Blvd., 1st Floor, Frankfort, KY 40601.

There is no charge to receive electronic copies of documents but hard copies cost $0.10 per page.  Records can also be viewed in person at the Environment and Energy Cabinet's main office in Frankfort or any regional office.  To view records in person, a request must be sent to

​​​You can subscribe to the DEP's newsletters, including our blog, Naturally Connected, here:
Regular updates are also found on Twitter @KYDEP or​​​​

​​​The KY DEP has created the public portal, eSearch, which provides the ability to search for any Department-issued permits and approvals. Other EEC data is also linked from this portal including paying for invoices, managing licenses, and more.​​​

​The process to end coverage of a permit varies depending on the type of permit. Contact ECAP if the permit of interest isn't listed below by emailing or calling 502-782-6189.

​EEC eForms Questions 

If you encounter minor technical issues, including getting an eForms error message, unsure which eForm to use, or if you need help to set up an account, you may contact us at ECAP by emailing or calling 502-782-6189.

Alternatively, if you need to delete or roll back an eForm that has already been submitted to eForms, if the website is not loading, or if your eForms account was reset and now your forms are missing, contact for assistance.

If you have account or password issues, please contact the Helpdesk by emailing​​ or calling 502-564-0104, extension: 2.

​The creator of an eForm can allow any other user with an activated eForms account access to view or sign a form by using the “Assign Submittal" function.  To do this, the creator will have to log in to their account and open the eForm in their dashboard by clicking on the Submittal ID.  On the Form Details page, there is a section called “Assign Submittal"; the form creator will have to select the username they wish to share the eForm with from the dropdown list.  Once the new username is added, the selected user should have access to the eForm on their dashboard. 

Troubleshooting tips: if a selected eForms user does not see the submittal assigned to them, they may need to sign out and sign back in.

This message indicates that an eForm was not properly saved.  This error may occur even if you just briefly open and close a form.  To resolve the error, go to the Dashboard and under “Incomplete eForms" you will click on the submittal ID number of the most recently opened eForm at the top of the list. Once at the Form Details page, select the “Continue with this eForm" option, then go to the bottom of the page and select the “Click to save for future retrieval" button. Saving the form will effectively close the eForm and allow for a new eForm to be opened. In the event the error still occurs, try closing out of the browser completely.

Please note that the eForms will time out when the eForm is not active and the user will lose any unsaved information, so it is recommended to save often.

If a user deletes an eForm that was not properly saved, you will not be able to open another eForm until the next business day when the system resets.

​​​The users would need to be granted access to the account from the former employee to access their previous forms. Alternatively, facilities can submit an open records request to get a copy of all forms that have been submitted on the former employee’s eForms account. Also, please note that users cannot combine accounts as federal regulations state that individuals have unique accounts for documentation submitted electronically for accountability and proof of who submitted the form. ​​​​​

​​​Saved eForms are available in the Dashboard.  To continue the form, begin by clicking the Submittal ID to the left of the form name in the "My incomplete eForms" table.  This will open the Forms Details page.  There is a button in the bottom left of the top section of this page labelled "Continue with this eForm".  Clicking this button will open a copy of the saved eForm.  Please note that saving eForms will not save attachments, only filled fields.​​​

​​​You can delete an incomplete eForm by clicking the “Delete” button on the “Form Details” page of an eForm. Note: If an eForm is deleted, the system will not allow the user to create a new eForm of the same type until the next business day. Also, if you do not save an eForm before deletion, the user may be prohibited from opening any eForm until the next business day.​​​

​​​Please provide the name of the form you submitted and the form’s submittal ID number to or call 502-782-6189 and we will look up the form’s progress in our database.​

​Air Questions

​​The Department does not provide a fillable application for an air permit, rather an air permit application will include a compilation of all necessary forms and documents that are submitted as an application package.  The following is included in an air permit application package:

​​​To notify the Kentucky Division for Air Quality of a portable unit's upcoming move, the owner must provide a written notification providing all pertinent information regarding the unit to include the current address, new address, and duration of time the unit will be located at the new site. A completed DEP7007AI form must be included with the updated address information. The notification must be provided to DAQ at least 15 days prior to the unit being moved.

Please note that portable units leased to locations in Jefferson County need a permit issued by the Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District; please contact the LMAPCD directly for more information.   ​​​

​Government agencies, building owners, and/or their contractors may be required to perform an asbestos survey and submit a notification to the Kentucky Division for Air Quality (DAQ) before starting a renovation or demolition involving:

  • ​Two or more single-family homes that are part of a commercial, public, State-issued project, installation, or development.
  • Projects involving two or more apartment dwellings of any size.
  • Single apartment dwellings with more than four units.
  • Public, school, commercial, industrial structures, or buildings.

Depending on the amount and type of asbestos discovered, an asbestos professional may be required to perform the asbestos removal.  To determine if your project must submit a notification or utilize a certified asbestos professional, contact DAQ at (502) 564-3999 or email  To learn more about asbestos regulations and requirements, view ECAP's  Asbestos Guidance Manual for Renovation and Demolition Projects and DAQ's asbestos website:

​​​Please do not disturb suspected or confirmed asbestos containing materials without proper training. The Division for Air Quality regulates asbestos handling; please see the Asbestos information page for more information about asbestos safety, certified asbestos abatement contractors/companies, and more. Questions about asbestos can be directed to the Division for Air Quality at (502) 564-3999 or to any of the regional offices. Additional restrictions may apply to asbestos removals in Jefferson County; please contact the Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District (LMAPCD) directly for more information.

Lead paint abatement and removal are covered by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and the Labor Cabinet.  For more information call (502) 564-4537.​​​

​​No, in the state of Kentucky it is the owner's responsibility for obtaining the required Division for Air Quality Permit and not the renter's responsibility.

Please note that portable units leased to locations in Jefferson County need a permit issued by the Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District; please contact the LMAPCD directly for more information.

The Environmental Compliance Assistance Program's Air Quality Potential-to-Emit Compliance Guide gives a step-by-step walkthrough of how to perform potential-to-emit (PTE) calculations.  The Environmental Compliance Assistance Program (ECAP) can assist sources seeking to submit an air application to the Division for Air Quality. Small businesses that are independently owned and operated and have fewer than 100 employees may utilize ECAP's detailed assistance. The service includes site visits to assess compliance status, assistance with completing air permit application forms, potential-to-emit calculations, and more. Enforcement discretion is used when conducting these activities; more information can be found on the online at ECAP's website.

For businesses that do not qualify as a small business, we can still provide general assistance when applying for an air permit. Alternatively, the Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center provides a directory of environmental consultants that can provide air permit application assistance.

​​​The Regulatory definition for a Responsible Official (RO) can be found in 401 KAR 52:001 at the following link:

​​​In Kentucky, it is never legal to burn household trash other than uncoated paper products. Then, it is only allowed if you are not located in a current or former non-attainment county during ozone season.  For an overview of Kentucky's open burning laws, please see the Open Burning Brochure and the Division for Air Quality's Open Burning webpage.​​​

​​​Completing the Annual Compliance Certification requires the use of the 7007CC form and must be submitted by January 30th of each year.  The Semi-Annual Report does not require a specific form but must be submitted by January 30th and July 30th of every year. There are learning modules regarding completing and submitting annual/semi-annual reports and understanding your permit available on the Compliance Assistance program webpage under the Self-Paced Online Learning section. Also, the Division for Air Quality provides information on the required reporting on their website: If you need assistance, please e-mail or call the Help Desk: 502-782-6189.​​​

​​​If no changes have been made at the facility since the current permit was issued, then the renewal application package would need to include a cover letter providing all pertinent information along with a statement indicating that no new equipment, processes, or materials have been added since the current permit was issued, along with a completed form DEP7007AI. However, if new air emission sources have been introduced or modifications of existing processes have been made since the current permit was issued, the facility would need to provide a detailed cover letter explaining all new equipment or updates along with applicable DEP7007 forms specific for the new air emission sources, to include DEP7007AI and DEP7007N. All DAQ forms can be found here: ​​​

​​​The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) are the standard identifying codes used by Federal agencies to classify businesses.  Each type of business has unique SIC and NAICS codes.  SIC codes are available through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and NAICS codes are available through the Census Bureau.​​​

​The PTE Compliance Guide​ covers all of the acronyms related to an air quality application, in addition to providing a step-by-step walkthrough for developing the application.​

​​​If the facility is located in Jefferson County, they will need to obtain an air permit from the Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District; please contact the LMAPCD directly for more information.  LMAPCD also has a Small Business Environmental Compliance Assistance Program that can assist businesses with less than 100 employees; view their website for more information.​​​

​Water​ Questions

​​​Yes. The Kentucky Operator Certification Program provides training and certification for all wastewater, drinking water, and solid waste operators in the Commonwealth.  For more information, please see the Operator Certification Program's Webpage or call their hotline at 502-564-3170.​​​

​​​Kentucky does not have delegation over the SPCC rule as it is administered by EPA Region IV, but the Kentucky Board of Engineers & Land Surveyors considers the plans to include elements of engineering, so the Board does require SPCC plans to be certified by a PE in Kentucky.​​​

​​​If there is no discharge or data available for the entire DMR for the monitoring period, the facility must still complete a DMR by using the appropriate No Date Indicator (NODI) Code. More information can be found on the Division of Water's NetDMR webpage.​​​

​​​Yes, assistance can be found in the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Manual, located on the DEP's NetDMR website. If further guidance is needed, please call the Division of Water at (502) 564-3410 or​​​

​​​The Division of Water's Kentucky Wastewater Laboratory Certification Program handles the certification of general and field-only laboratories.​​

​​​The Kentucky Water Health Portal is a searchable map that can be used to identify the health of any assessed water body within the state of Kentucky.​​

​​​Once a completed KPDES renewal application has been provided to the Kentucky Division of Water, the permitted facility will continue to operate under the existing, expired permit until a new permit has been issued by the Division. ​​​

​​​To check on the status of a submitted KPDES eNOI, please contact the Surface Water Permits Branch in the Division of Water at (502) 564-3410 or  Alternatively, if you have your submittal ID number and the form name, you can e-mail or call the Help Desk: 502-782-6189 for a status update.​​​

​W​aste Questions

Previous hazardous waste activity forms have been combined into the “Hazardous Waste Form 8700 RCRA Form", eForm #108, an intuitive eForm that encompasses the EPA 8700 Form used by Hazardous Waste Branch and the associated Kentucky addendum forms.  For more information, please see the website for Hazardous Waste Generation in Kentucky.

If you would like to contact the Division of Waste Management, they can be reached by phone at (502) 564-6716 or by email at

​​​The Kentucky Emergency Response Commission is responsible for the collection and maintenance of Kentucky's EPCRA notifications and reporting of Sections 302, 311, and 312 (Tier II). View the  Kentucky Emergency Management Hazconnect Tier II Reporting System  for more information.​​​

​​​Contact the Environmental Response Team at 1-800-928-2380 or 502-564-2380 as soon as possible.​​

​​​No, VSQGs do not need to obtain EPA ID numbers because they are exempt from the notification requirements in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) section 3010 (40 CFR section 262.14). However, some facilities such as waste haulers and treatment and disposal facilities may not work with a facility that does not have an EPA ID number.​​​

​​​To conduct a hazardous waste determination, samples of the waste in question must be sent to a certified laboratory for analysis.  One commonly used procedure to identify hazardous waste is the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (or TCLP).  A list of environmental consultants that offer laboratory services is available on the Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center's website: ​​​

​​​There are two types of hazardous wastes: listed wastes and characteristic wastes.  Listed hazardous wastes appear on one of the EPA's four hazardous waste lists.  Characteristic wastes exhibit at least one of the following properties: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and/or toxicity.  A hazardous waste determination can be performed to identify if a waste exhibits one of those characteristics.  More information is available in the Handbook for Hazardous Waste Generators.​​​

​​​Material resulting from the construction, repair, or demolition of structures or roads, as well as trees and other vegetation from road maintenance, storm cleanups, and land clearing is considered construction and demolition debris (CDD). Uncontaminated (by hazardous waste) CDD can be disposed of at an appropriate solid waste and CDD landfills.​​​

​​​The Compliance Assistance program has adapted a School Laboratory Management and Chemical Cleanout Manual.  The document covers topics such as chemical management responsibilities, chemical information, best management practices, personal protective equipment, spill management, and chemical disposal.​​​

​​​If the bulbs are not broken, they can be considered a universal waste. The Resource Conservation and Reclamation Act (RCRA) does require that the spent lamps be accumulated in a designated storage area before they are picked up by a licensed waste hauler/recycler. While in storage, they must be stored in a closable container that is labelled “Universal Waste" and the contents (i.e., “Spent Lamps") with the initial accumulation date. The accumulation time period is limited to one year.  For more information, please see the Universal Waste Rule Factsheet.​​​

​​​Your pharmacist may be able to provide information about the safe disposal of prescription medicines and should have supplies available that can be used to destroy or deactivate many medications.  Other options include taking the medication to a medication drop box or inactivating the medication at home.  Often, liquid medications can be thrown away with household solid waste after it is solidified with something like cat litter or sawdust, which renders it inactive. More information is available in the Pharmaceutical Waste Booklet.​​​

​​Other Questions​

There are a wide variety of scenarios regarding aboveground storage tanks (ASTs).  Below are several resource that can narrow your search to the scenario that fits your situation the best.  ASTs storing volatile organic compounds may require an air permit or registration from the KY Division for Air Quality depending on the material and potential emissions calculated for the type of tank, material and usage. The EPA provides free software to put in all the variables and come up with a potential to emit (PTE).  See:

The At-a-Glance document covers the most commonly issued environmental permits and authorizations issued by the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection. It also lists the PTE thresholds that trigger the need for an air permit in Kentucky (outside Jefferson Co).  The Common Permits document lists commonly issued industrial environmental permits, application fees, and their regulator timeframes.  

A facility that handles pesticides, hazardous or solid wastes, bulk quantities of raw material and other potentially polluting substances should develop a Groundwater Protection Plan (GPP). GPPs are to be implemented upon development and are not dependent on approval. See

Agricultural operations also have control requirements for petroleum storage:

For actual or threatened releases of any pollutant see:

Other resources:

The Kentucky State Fire Marshall - Hazardous Materials Section is responsible for the permitting of flammable, combustible, and hazardous material storage vessel installations. They issue permits and plan reviews of installation, repairs, and modifications on underground storage tanks (UGST) and aboveground storage tanks(AGST) and related components. Additionally, the section regulates the sale and storage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP). The following link will provide direct contact information for the office of the Kentucky State Fire Marshall;

​Certain petroleum storage units may be subject to the federal Spill Prevention, Containment, and Control (SPCC) rules as well.  An applicability flow chart is available at this web page.

For information about permits for “On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems Serving Individual Family Residences", view  KYG40PermitPage.pdf.  For assistance concerning home units wastewater treatment or home septic systems, please email:

The Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems Program is administered through local health departments and begins with the use of onsite evaluations to determine if the site and soil conditions are suitable for onsite wastewater systems. Local health department onsite septic system inspectors will perform site evaluations and inspections in Kentucky. A certified Kentucky onsite septic installer then must install the onsite sewage system based on the results of the site evaluation. A homeowner who wishes to install his or her own system must obtain a homeowner's permit through the local health department. For more information, view the Cabinet for Health and Family Services website for the Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems Program.

​Need help?

​E-mail or call the Help Desk: 502-782-6189​

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.