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​​​​​​Any continuing education training provided for operator renewal must be reviewed and approved through the cabinet per 401 KAR 11:050. Continuing education for bottled water, collection, distribution and treatment operators are based on core content determined by the Certification and Licensing Program, operator certification board.

During the evaluation of training courses and seminars, the cabinet shall consider the consistency of training material with the core content. Core content was established to expand and enhance the competencies of certified operators in their operational duties at a drinking water or wastewater facility.

Applicants must submit an Application for Approval of Courses for Continuing Education Credit form. You can apply online or via paper application.

There is a $50 fee for review of the first 6 hours with a $25 fee for each additional 6 hour block. Please be advised that there is an additional $50 charge for applications received via mail. You can find a breakdown of the application fee based on the number of requested hours in the quick links on the right.

Apply Online:

  • To begin the process, establish a EEC eforms​ account. Or sign in if you already have an account.​
  • Click on Forms in the toolbar at the top.
  • Under the list of available eforms, you can click on the column header "Form Name" or "Division"​​​ to sort by that category.​
  • Click on the plus sign next to the Application for Approval of Course for Continuing Education Credit ​form.
  • Once the application has been completed, select the Continue to Pre-Payment button. You will be directed to pay at this time. 

Paper Application ($50 additional processing fee required):

  • Complete the Application for Approval of Courses for Continuing Education Credit form which can be found in the DEP Forms Library.
  • Checks should be made payable to Kentucky State Treasurer. The total should include the application fee as well as the $50 processing fee.
  • The completed form along with check or money order should be mailed to:

​​Operator Certification Program
300 Sower Blvd.
Frankfort, KY 40601​​

The following documents are required at the time the application is submitted to the Certification and Licensing Branch:

Course Learning Objectives-

  • ​Course objectives reflect specific knowledge, skills, abilities, or competencies that instructors expect students to acquire from a particular course. ​

​​Criteria for Successful Completion by Operators-

  • The criteria for successful completion of a course are the standards students must meet to demonstrate they have achieved the intended learning outcomes and earned credit for the course. These criteria may vary depending on the course but they typically include ​passing an exam, attendance, participating in class,  or completing class work.

Timed Agenda-

  • ​​The Certification and Licensing Branch gives credit in quarter hour (.25) increments.​ 

  • Any courses over one hour in length are required to have a timed agenda with instructors identified and a brief description of topics covered​​. 

  • The agenda should include training topics and the time allocated to discuss each topic. All planned breaks must be documented on the agenda. If the course is over one hour in length, and no breaks are scheduled, please indicate that.

​Credentials for All Instructors-

  • ​If the timed agenda does not include the instructors bio or resume, one will need to be provided.​​​​​​​​​​

Upon completion of the approved training, the provider must submit a Continuing Education Activity Report form. You can submit online or via paper application. Please be advised that there is a $50 charge for applications received via mail. You can submit on EEC eforms at no charge.

Apply Online:

  • To begin the process, establish an EEC eforms​ account. Or sign in if you already have an account.​
  • Click on Forms in the toolbar at the top.
  • Under the list of available eforms, you can click on the column header "Form Name" or "Division"​​​ to sort by that category.​
  • Click on the plus sign next to the Application for Continuing Education Activity Report​ ​form.
Once the application has been completed, select the Submit button.

Paper Application 
($50 processing fee required):

  • Complete the Application for Continuing Education Report form which can be found in the DEP Forms Library.
  • Checks should be made payable to Kentucky State Treasurer.
  • The completed form along with check or money order should be mailed to:

​​Operator Certification Program
300 Sower Blvd.
Frankfort, KY 40601​​​​

If you requested a one-time approval the course can only be held one time. If you want to hold the course again, you would have to submit a new application for approval.

If you requested a two year approval, the course(s) will expire two years from the approval date. Sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date, an Extension Request for Approved Continuing Education Course form should be submitted if you would like to extend those courses for an additional two years. You can submit online or via paper application following the instructions above under submitting a course for approval.

The fee for an extension request is $15 per class. Please be advised that there is a $50 charge if the form is received via mail.​

The Certification and Licensing Branch provides a list of Cabinet Approved Training​ and their expiration dates for providers who have obtained approval. The list can also be accessed through the quicklinks on the right of the page. 

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.