Solid Waste Branch Program eForms
The Solid Waste Branch program has implemented the use of three eForms.
The Solid Waste Quarterly Waste Quantity Report eForm is eForm #51. For questions about this eForm please contact Stephen Frank-Heun.
The Solid Waste Branch Submittal Form is eForm #203. Any application, compliance report, annual survey, response to notice of deficiency, additional information, or other submittal sent to the Solid Waste Branch program can be submitted via this eForm. The only limitation is the submittal must be specific to a site or facility; this is because the eForm requires the Agency Interest ID number. A guidance document containing answers to frequently asked questions is available here: FAQ for Solid Waste Branch Submittal Form.pdf. For questions about the Solid Waste Branch Submittal Form, please contact Jon Durbin.
The Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring, Statistical Analysis, and Operating Reporting Form is eForm #52. This eForm is on the list to be discontinued. Please use the Solid Waste Branch Submittal Form, eForm #203 for the submission of groundwater, surface water, statistics and operating reports. Please note eForm #203 does not require the use of a PIN number, and a scanned copy of the certification statement must be included. All parts of the report should be combined into a single PDF record for upload using the eForm #203. For questions about this eForm please contact Jon Durbin.
The owner or operator shall notify the cabinet within forty-eight (48) hours of an exceedance in accordance with 401 KAR 48:300, Section 7(3) or 401 KAR 45:160, Section 4(3). The exceedance(s) may be reported using the Solid Waste Branch Submittal Form, eForm #203.
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