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Annual Fees are assessed to Solid Waste activities and Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Units. 

  • Solid Waste -- 401 KAR 47:090 outlines the provisions for annual fees for certain solid waste actitivies.  Fees are due each year on March 31, September 30, or December 31 depending on the activity type.  For sites with multiple solid waste activities, 100% of the fee shall be submitted for the activity handling or disposing of the most waste in the previous calendar year, and 50% of the fee shall be submitted for the other activities. 
  • Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Units -- 401 KAR 46:120 outlines the provisions for CCR Units.  Regardless of the number of units at a site, each site (or facility) shall submit an annual fee of $15,000 which is due on July 31 of each year.
  • Associated forms -- The annual fee should be accompanied by the associated form. This allows the payment to be applied to the correct facility.  For solid waste activity fees, Form DEP 7119 should be used.  For CCR Unit fees, Form DWM 4620 should be used. Both can be found on our Forms webpage using the link on this page.​
  • Invoicing -- The Solid Waste Branch aims to issue a fee reminder letter approximately 30-45 days prior to the fee due date.  If a letter is not received, or if there are questions or concerns about the fee letter, please contact the Solid Waste Branch.  
If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact the fee coordinator, Jamie Nielsen at or 502-782-6426.

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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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