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​UST Registrations and Fees​

​The Administrative Services Section of the UST Branch is responsible for managing UST system registration and notification requirements, including changes in owner and operator. The Section also handles the invoicing and collection of annual registration fees for regulated UST systems in the Commonwealth. The registration of a regulated UST system establishes the ownership of a UST system and designates financial responsibility, which includes eligibility in the Petroleum Storage Tank Environmental Assurance Fund (PSTEAF).

All UST systems located in the Commonwealth must be registered with the UST Branch unless the tank system is exempt from UST regulations. If you own a UST system that is not exempt, you must complete, sign, and submit the DWM 4225 UST Facility Registration Form. Information submitted on this form is used for determining important items including the following:

  • Ownership of a UST System
  • Financial Responsibility
  • Eligibility to participate in the PSTEAF

Once received by the UST Branch, the registration form will be reviewed for completeness. If the information is complete and the owner or operator (applicant) is eligible to participate in the PSTEAF, the UST Branch will issue an approval letter.  To determine the reviewer assigned to approve your UST Facility Registration Form, please see the County Reviewer List.

Change in ownership of a UST system requires the completion of a new DWM 4225 UST Facility Registration Form.  Annual tank fees are assessed for each UST that contained product after July 1, 1990. A $30 annual tank fee is assessed for every underground storage tank that is in the ground on July 1. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does my corporation have to be in good standing with the Kentucky Secretary of State’s Office in order to be registered as the owner of USTs?
Yes. Go to the Kentucky Secretary of State's website and "Search Businesses" to verify that your company is in active status and good standing.  If your corporation or LLC is a foreign (incorporated out-of-state) entity, you must obtain a Certificate of Authority to transact business in Kentucky from the Kentucky Secretary of State prior to registering your USTs. You must maintain good standing with the Secretary of State as long as the company is listed as the tank owner.

I just bought this facility. How do I know what the tank sizes are to properly complete the UST Facility Registration Form?
Simply perform an open records request by sending an email to Provide the facility address and the type of documents you need. For example, in this case, ask for the last approved UST Facility Registration Form. If the information is available, you will receive it electronically. For more information, visit the EEC Open Records site.

I sold my UST facility and can't get the new owner to register it. How do I get it out of my name?
Simply send in a copy of the properly executed deed or other mutually executed legal document supporting the sale of the UST system and we'll take it out of your name.

How can I pay my annual fees?
There are three ways to pay your UST annual invoice - online or sending in a check or money order. If mailing in payment, make sure it is made out to KENTUCKY STATE TREASURYChecks not made out to the Kentucky State Treasury will be returned! Employees of the Division of Waste Management cannot take credit card payments over the phone. However, you can pay via debit or credit card online

What happens if I overpay my annual fees?
If you own multiple sites and owe fees for another, we will simply apply the overage to a tank that has fees due.

Need Help Completing Your UST Facility Registration Form (DWM 4225)? 

Use this version with detailed instructions (must download before editing)​

Pen and notepaper with calculator

Please make checks for annual tank fees payable to:

Kentucky State Treasury

Mail payments to our address:

Kentucky Dept. for Environmental Protection
UST Branch
300 Sower Blvd.
Frankfort, KY  40601

Pay your fees online

UST Annual Invoices will be mailed the first week of July 1. 

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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