The old adage of "an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure" is particularly relevant to underground storage tank (UST) systems. It is much easier and less costly to exercise responsible UST management practices and prevent releases before they happen.
The Compliance Section of the UST Branch assists owners and operators with operational and maintenance requirements, oversees the UST Technical Compliance Inspection (TCI) Program and provides regulatory expertise to owners, operators and professionals.
UST systems (tanks and piping) are required to have leak detection, spill and overfill prevention, corrosion protection and financial responsibility. USTs that do not meet these minimum requirements must be permanently closed. Maintaining and performing routine line and tightness tests are critical aspects of leak prevention.
Only contractors certified through the Kentucky State Fire Marshal's Office can perform installation, repairs or closures of UST systems. For more information regarding certification, search at the
KY Housing, Buildings & Construction. To determine the reviewer assigned to your facility, please see the
County Reviewer List.