Integrated Reports going back to the 1970s are available for download. The format has changed over the years. Beginning in 2006, the 303(d) and 305(b) reports were combined into an Integrated Report (IR) in two volumes, following guidance by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Details on IR report guidance can be found at EPA's Web site. For the year 2000, a 303(d) report was not completed.
In the 1990s and early 2000s, the report was accompanied by support maps; maps of current listings are available on the
Water Health Portal.
In earlier versions the pollutants (formerly labeled Causes) were given in code form as were the suspected sources of the pollutant. These documents will provide the meanings of the codes:
Pollutants (Causes) [PDF, 145 KB] and
Suspected Sources [PDF, 142 KB]. If you need additional assistance, please contact the
Kentucky Assessment Coordinator.