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​This web page is intended to provide useful information to drinking water laboratories submitting compliance sample results to the Division of Water.  Laboratories may review program updates, download useful documents, or use this page as a reference to find other useful websites.

The KDWLCP is administered by the Division of Water (DOW) in the Department for Environmental Protection within the Kentucky Energy and Environmental Cabinet.  The DOW certifies laboratories (located both in-state and out-of-state) annually for chemistry, microbiology, radionuclides and cryptosporidium analyses.  DOW performs on-site audits at least once every three years for in-state certified laboratories.  Out-of-state laboratory certification is available through reciprocity with certification by an equivalent certifying authority.

This web page is updated periodically but should not be considered the most up-to-date reference for obtaining information.  If there are any discrepancies or concerns regarding any of the content within the Drinking Water Laboratory List or any other content on this page, please email the Division of Water Laboratory Certification Program.


Laboratories wishing to apply for Drinking Water Laboratory Certification (or renew their current certification) must submit a completed application and associated analyte-method list.  Mail both documents to the address below by December 31st of the year prior to the certification period to avoid late fees.

Division of Water
Laboratory Certification Section
300 Sower Blvd, 3rd Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601

Items to download include:

  • For new applications - use the Microbiology [60 KB] or Chemistry​ [70 KB] analyte-method list template

If you DO NOT require any changes to your analyte list, make sure to print it out and write No Changes.

If you DO require changes to your analyte list, print it out and do the following:

  • To remove an analyte method pairing, cross out the analyte method pairing with a single strike through and write remove on the side along with your initials and the date.
  • To add an analyte method pairing, at the bottom/end of the list provide the necessary information to add the analyte method pairing (Analyte code, Contaminant, Reference Method, KY Method Code, MRL and units).

Beginning in 2019, all drinking water certified laboratories are required to utilize the revised EPA Method Detection Limit Study Rev 2 procedure for all method-analyte pairs for which the laboratory is certified (see factsheet below). 
The EPA procedure may be found at:


EPA Drinking Water Lab Cert Manual - EPA Drinking Water Laboratory Manual [3866 KB]
Lab Cert Manual Supplement 1 - Updated Laboratory Requirements  [59 KB]
​Lab Cert Manual Supplement 2 - Cryptosporidium Manual  [1882 KB]
MCLs​ - Safe Drinking Water (SDWA) maximum contaminant levels [396 KB]
DW Approved Analyte Method Pairing - List of approved method/analyte pairings for DW analysis  [243 KB]
Demonstration of Capability Worksheets - Tool for calculating IDC/ODC, MDL and RLS  [353 KB]
FACTSHEET MDL Rev 2 Requirements.pdf​ - EPA’s Revised MDL Rev 2 Procedure [346 KB]
Revised MDL Workbook.xlsx - CalculationTool for the Revised MDL Procedure [118 KB]
IDC ODC and RLS Worksheets.xlsx - Tool for calculating Demonstration of Capability and RLS [177 KB]

KY DW Minimum Reporting Limits - List of Required Minimum Reporting Levels for Drinking Water parameters  [61 KB]
​KY Approved EPA Compliant Methods - KDWLCP Approved EPA Compliant Alternative Test Procedure (ATP) Methods [26148 KB]
Laboratory Accountability BARF Notice Guidance - Document for guidance of Bacteriological Analysis Report Form (BARF)  [241 KB]
DW Microbiology Analyst Approval Requirements - KDWLCP requirements for Drinking Water Microbiology Laboratories  [104 KB]
PT Requirements for DW and WW Microbiology Laboratories - Proficiency Test Requirements for DW and WW Microbiology Laboratories [273 KB]
DW Microbiology Laboratory Startup Requirements - KDWLCP Initial Requirements for Drinking Water Microbiology Laboratory certification [136 KB]
KY Enforcement of EPA Manual - KDWLCP Statement on Enforcement of EPA manual [164 KB]
Micro PAQ - Microbiology Pre-Audit Questionnaire with instructions  [396 KB]
Verifying your Chlorine Meter Performance - Training video for Total Residual Chlorine meter performance provided by EPA Region 3
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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