The US Department of the Interior's AML Program can, under certain limited conditions, provide water to areas impacted by past mining practices.
AWWA is a professional association for people in the drinking water industry, providing information and research on water treatment techniques, waterborne contaminants and other services for water professionals. AWWA has a
Kentucky/Tennessee Chapter composed of utilities and individuals interested in the supply of public drinking water.
ARC administers federal grants for various projects, including water, in the Appalachian area of the state.
Kentucky’s 15 ADDs are regional planning agencies for local governments. They work with counties and municipalities to develop funding packages, facilitate LPCs, help develop long-range county water supply plans and are responsible for much of the planning required by Senate Bill 409. There is also a “Small Issuer Loan Program” administered by the ADDs.
DLG administers the Community Development Block Grant Program, which provides grants for various community development projects, including water and wastewater.
KACo represents county governments generically. KACo sponsors the Peer Review Program in cooperation with KRWA. In addition, water districts are organized under the jurisdiction of county governments. KACo has some limited ability to loan money for water projects.
KIA provides banking functions for a number of infrastructure loan programs, including the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, which lends money for wastewater projects, and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, which lends money for drinking water projects.
KLC represents city governments generically. Like KACo, the agency has a limited amount of money it can make available for loans. Most community water systems in the state are city-owned and not regulated by the PSC.
KOHP (formerly the Dental Health Program in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services) provides supplemental fluoridation equipment to certain water systems to promote dental health.
KRWA provides on-site technical assistance to its member public water systems and wastewater systems. This assistance can take the form of circuit riders who assist a water system operator in solving operational problems, a leak detection program to help a water system find and correct water losses, assistance in establishing a Wellhead Protection (WHP) program, or other technical assistance.
PSC regulates water districts and water associations for issues relating to rates, service areas and quality of service. The commission has very broad regulatory powers over systems it regulates, but it does not regulate municipal water systems. PSC has the authority to designate service areas for regulated water systems, to order service to areas within the service area, to set rates and to order mergers.
The RCAP provides technical assistance to very small communities (usually serving a population under 500), including assistance for small water systems.
Rural Development Program (RD)
The US Department of Agriculture's RD program funds water projects through both grants and loans. RD money is frequently matched with KIA loans and/or CDBG funds to provide a larger pool of money or lower effective interest rates.