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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kentucky has developed a wastewater treatment plant optimization program. This will help facilities lower their nutrient levels in their effluent and may also help lower their utility bills. Programs like these are going on in other states around the US including Tennessee and Minnesota. Find out more about what optimization is: Optimize Your Wastewater Treatment Plant

Nutrients from Kentucky are contributing to the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico, also known as Gulf Hypoxia. Optimization is one way that Kentucky Division of Water is working with the EPA to decrease the amount of nutrients reaching the Gulf. Kentucky is working together with other states through the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force. Visit Kentucky's Nutrient Reduction Strategy page to find out other ways that Kentucky is working to reduce our nutrient impact. 

Some wastewater facilities will be required to optimize in their discharge permit. If your facility has been notified through its KPDES permit that you must conduct a nutrient reduction optimization, you will be invited to attend a meeting to talk about optimization and what that means at your facility.  You should complete a nutrient reduction evaluation during your next permit cycle so you will have time to weigh your options for how your facility would meet nutrient targets. It is a permit requirement to complete a nutrient reduction evaluation, but who completes that audit is flexible.  

An energy audit may also provide information about ways to save energy and money at your facility while still meeting permit limits. An energy audit may be available to you at no charge. Email for information about receiving an energy audit. 

If you are interested in doing a self-assessment for optimization, the American Water Works Association published Self Assessment for WWTP Optimization​ or you can view Optimizing Nutrient Reduction in Small Wastewater Treatment Plants​​, a presentation from EPA.​

  If you are a member, their optimization program may be able to assist you
Individuals in the Tennessee Valley Authority service area
  You may be able to get assistance for an energy audit from your utility provider - check with your local provider for more information

EPA webinars and presentations from experts in the optimization field:

  13-part series presented in North Carolina 

  Study of 1000 POTWs with links for case studies and fact sheets based on treatment type 

  Training video by Grant Weaver including case studies from 3 states

  Webinar by Jon van Dommelen including flow charts for denitrification and ortho-P release​

  PowerPoint presentation by Grant Weaver

  Comprehensive list of upcoming and recorded webinars intended for plant operators, municipal leaders, technical assistance providers and government staff

  Training video by Dr. Larry Moore

Funding may be available to assist with purchase of new equipment or assessments:

  ... for construction projects at wastewater plants

  ... for communities to make strategic investments in long-term goals for energy independence

  ... for contract to allow you to improve the energy performance of your building by partnering with an energy services company (ESCO) to enhance building operations and save energy

  ... for communities recovering from a disaster and those wanting to reduce risk from future disasters - can sometimes include things like purchase or connections to generators

  ... for communities addressing future risks from natural disasters - can include funds and technical assistance

  voluntary, cooperative assessment that identifies security and resilience issues that could have regional or national consequences

Wastewater Treatment Plant Optimization​ from the Canadian National Guide to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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