Wastewater Discharge
All discharges to waters of the Commonwealth require a permit through the Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (KPDES). Such permits include effluent limitations that are developed from technology-based and water quality-based criteria. The
General Procedures for Limitations Development describes how the Division of Water determines what effluent limitations will be included in a KPDES permit and how those effluent limitations are developed. Water quality based limitations require a determination of whether reasonable potential to exceed a criterion exists. The DOW evaluates reasonable potential using the EPA-approved Permitting Procedures for Determining “Reasonable Potential".
Signed - Reasonable Potential Procedures.pdf
7 7 00 EPA Approval of KY RP.pdf
KPDES forms and information for permit applications for Individual Permits, General Permits, Kentucky Inter-System Operations Permits, Kentucky No Discharge Operational Permits, and the One-Time Discharge Program are available below. Click on the following link to review the surface water permit fees as established in 401 KAR 5:310.
The various types of discharge permits are listed in the table below. Review and download permit applications or go to each site linked in the table for more information.
KPDES Individual Permit Forms and Information