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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Wastewater Discharge

All discharges to waters of the Commonwealth require a permit through the Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (KPDES).  Such permits include effluent limitations that are developed from technology-based and water quality-based criteria.  The General Procedures for Limitations Development describes how the Division of Water determines what effluent limitations will be included in a KPDES permit and how those effluent limitations are developed. Water quality based limitations require a determination of whether reasonable potential to exceed a criterion exists.  The DOW evaluates reasonable potential using the EPA-approved Permitting Procedures for Determining “Reasonable Potential".

Signed - Reasonable Potential Procedures.pdf

7 7 00 EPA Approval of KY RP.pdf

KPDES forms and information for permit applications for Individual Permits, General Permits, Kentucky Inter-System Operations Permits, Kentucky No Discharge Operational Permits, and the One-Time Discharge Program are available below.  Click on the following link to review the surface water permit fees as established in 401 KAR 5:310.

The various types of discharge permits are listed in the table below. Review and download permit applications or go to each site linked in the table for more information.

KPDES Individual Permit Forms and Information

KPDES Individual Permits

KPDES Individual Permits
Program/Permit NameProgram/Permit DescriptionPermit Application Form

All Individual Permits

Form 1 - Submit with all KPDES applications for individual permits

Form 1     Form 1

Operations that are defined as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) pursuant to 401 KAR 5:060, Section 10, are required to obtain a KPDES permit.

Form B     Form B

For concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) that propose to have a point-source 

Municipalities with combined sewer systems must include all wet weather discharge points in the discharge permit applications for their respective publicly owned treatment works (POTWs).

Form A     Form A

For municipal wastewater discharges


DOW reviews and approves all permit applications for industries as well as domestic or sanitary wastewater treatment facilities.

Form C     Form C

For process wastewater discharges associated with manufacturing establishments and mining operations

DOW is responsible for reviewing and approving all industrial wastewater discharges, including coal facilities.

Form C     Form C

For process wastewater discharges associated with manufacturing establishments and mining operations


DOW reviews and approves all permit applications for municipalities as well as all domestic or sanitary wastewater treatment facilities.

Form A     Form A

For municipal wastewater discharges

Wastewater MOR Instructions

Municipal MOR Master

DOW coordinates the registration of oil and gas tank batteries, transport off-site of produced water (TOS) and holding pit construction permits.

DOW reviews, approves and oversees pretreatment programs for industrial discharges to publicly owned wastewater treatment works.

(see Pretreatment page for report forms) 


DOW reviews and approves all domestic or sanitary wastewater treatment facilities.

Form SC     Form SC - for services, wholesale and retail trade, and all other establishments that have sanitary and/or non-process discharges


DOW reviews and approves permit applications for stormwater point source discharges.  This includes stormwater runoff associated with industrial activity, construction activities and stormwater runoff from municipal storm separate sewer systems MS4s).

Form F     Form F - For individual permit coverage for stormwater associated industrial activity

​KPDES General Permits

KPDES General Permits

Coal Mining Operations (Renewal 2014 - permit splits Kentucky east and west - KYGE4 and KYGW4)


Inactive Mine Lands


Construction Material Manufacturing Operations (concrete and asphalt plants) New General Permit - *The Construction Material Manufacturing Operations General Permit is currently in the process of being reissued. We are currently not accepting new applications until the permit is finalized.


General Aviation Airports​


KYG 20 - Phase II small MS4


On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems Serving Individual Family Residences


Drinking Water Production


Public Swimming and Bathing Facilities - New GP


Non Coal (Mineral) Mining Operations - *The Non Coal (Mineral) Mining Operations General Permit is currently in the process of being reissued. We are currently not accepting new applications until the permit is finalized.


Pesticide Fact Sheet and Application


Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities


Stormwater Construction1,2


​A facility covered by an expired General Permit (GP) continues to be covered until the GP is reissued and in the interim shall comply with the expired permit.  This GP is currently not available for new coverage.  If a new KPDES permit is required, apply for an Individual Permit.

1The Notice of Termination form has changed

2The KYR10 Notice of Intent has changed 

State Authorized Permits

State Authorized Permits

DOW reviews and authorizes publicly or privately owned sewer systems that discharge to a WWTP or a sewer system that is owned by another person.​

Additional Authorizations and Certifications

Additional Authorizations and Certifications

Change in Ownership

Use this form for the termination of individual permits, individual outfalls of a permit, and all General Permit Coverages except the KYR10 Construction Stormwater General Permit.

Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities - No Exposure

Use this Notice of Termination for KYR10 General Permit Coverage Terminations ONLY. See NDC for all other General Permits.

SDAA Summary Documentation​​​

Antidegradation (Additional information for some general and individual permits)

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan / Best Management Practices Plan ( Additional information for some permits)

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.