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​Kentucky Division of Water has developed a new method and type of TMDL report for addressing the numerous bacteria-impaired waterbodies found throughout Kentucky.

While past TMDL reports were written at the watershed scale, the Kentucky Statewide Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria Impaired Waters​ addresses all remaining bacteria-impaired waters for the state in one TMDL report.

This single report has a core TMDL document that contains general information and the TMDL loadings. When complete, this report will have one appendix for each of the 13 major river basins in Kentucky. Each of these thirteen appendices will contain the TMDLs and waterbody-specific information for all bacteria-impaired segments identified in that basin and currently listed on the 303(d) list. These thirteen appendices will rely on the TMDL loadings and the general information found in the core document and thus will not be stand-alone documents.

Division of Water will provide public notice when subsequent river basin appendices become available for public comment and when appendices are updated to include new bacteria-impaired segments identified on future 303(d) lists.

If an approved TMDL report existed for a bacteria-impaired segment prior to the development of this new report, that TMDL report can be found on the Watershed-Scale TMDL Reports list and will not be included in the Kentucky Statewide Total Maximum Daily Load for Bacteria Impaired Waters.

For more information, please review the Statewide Bacteria Fact Sheet [PDF, 1.1 MB] or contact the TMDL Program at or call (502) 564-3410.

​Need Assistance?

Contact the TMDL Program at  (502) 564-3410.

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