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​​The 2020 Kentucky Forest Action Plan document identifies key forest-related issues and priorities to support development of a long-term resource strategy specific to Kentucky's forest needs.

A link to each of the different sections of the Kentucky Forest Action Plan document can be found below.

Section 1 - Statewide Assessment

Identifies landscape areas where national, regional and state resource issues and priorities converge. It incorporates the best data available, stakeholder input and other state plans and reports. The assessment is a valuable document for communicating forest-related issues, threats and opportunities in Kentucky.  Top five issues derived from public comments:

Section 2 - Forest Priority Areas

Identifies the most important regions for particular forest issues and the strategies that address these and focuses implementation efforts towards areas where the need is the greatest. 

Section 3 - Forest Resource Strategy

Includes long-term strategies to address threats to forest resources in Kentucky. It contains the prioritized strategies and action steps that the Division of Forestry, partners, land managers and conservationists can implement to maintain or improve the biological diversity in Kentucky’s forests.

Forest Legacy Program Assessment of Need

Preliminary Issue Development

A review of issues from the 2000 Statewide Assessment was conducted to determine if the forest issues that are most relevant to Kentucky citizens were still relevant. Through internal and external review and comments, the top five issues identified by participants continue to be:

  1. Forest Health
  2. Water Quality and Quantity
  3. Forest Loss and Fragmentation
  4. Forest Management
  5. Funding

Other issues of importance included:

  • Public Awareness
  • Urban and Community Forestry
  • Unlawful Activity (i.e. timber theft and trespass)
  • Wildland Fire
  • Forest Economy
  • Mountain Top Removal
  • Public Access
  • Prescribed Fires
  • Corollary Issues (i.e. renewable energy, carbon sequestration, ecosystem services, etc.)

All the issues identified were incorporated into the Kentucky Forest Action Plan document. 

Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources and Strategy presentation image
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