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​Wildland Fire Prevention

Smokey Bear and a young personThe Division of Forestry promotes fire prevention through activities such as enforcement of the forest fire laws, school fire prevention programs, community events, Smokey Bear appearances and distribution of fire prevention information. Radio and television interviews as well as newspaper and magazine articles are also used to educate citizens about fire prevention.

The division also promotes the National Firewise Communities Program in an effort to educate homeowners about the risk of wildfire to property.  For more information about risks associated with the wildland/urban interface (where forests and urban areas overlap), visit the Firewise Web page

For more information about wildfire prevention and the difference between preventing bad fires and supporting good fires through controlled burns, go to Visit My Forest and Good Fires.

To report a fire, contact the field office​ that serves your county.

Safe Debris Burning

  • Burning should be conducted only during favorable weather conditions of high humidity and calm winds.
  • Fires should be put out immediately if windy conditions risk the fire spreading to adjacent areas.
  • Burn piles should be small to allow quick control of the fire if necessary.
  • All burn piles should be continuously monitored until completely extinguished.
  • Keep fire under control and have a source of water and/or shovel nearby.
  • Build an adequate fire break of at least a 10-foot width of cleared vegetation around the burn pile.
  • Burn piles should be located an adequate distance from other burn piles and/or structures.
  • Do not locate burn piles under utilities or over utilities that are buried.
  • Do not burn debris under existing trees or other overhead material that may catch fire.  

Forest Fire Hazard Seasons

KRS 149.400 restricts outdoor burning during Forest Fire Hazard Seasons:

  • During fire seasons, it is illegal to burn anything within 150 feet of any woodland between the hours of 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.  
  • Spring Forest Fire Hazard Season occurs Feb. 15 - April 30.
  • Fall Forest Fire Hazard Season occurs Oct. 1 - Dec. 15.

man controlling fire on hillside
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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