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​​Mining and reclamation plan maps (MRPs), and permit boundary overlay maps  have been scanned and georeferenced and are available for downloading via FTP from the Internet.

Mining & Reclamation Plan Maps

MRP maps are required to be submitted with an application for a permit to conduct surface coal mining and reclamation operations in Kentucky.  Many MRP maps have been scanned and georeferenced and are available for downloading via FTP.  Click on the link for specifications and instructions for viewing the digital maps, or click on the download button to go directly to the FTP site. If you do not see the MRP map you desire, you may complete an open records request and we will scan and place the latest MRP map on the Web for your future needs.  Note:  If the permit has been transferred, the MRP map may be available under the old permit number which can be found using the SMIS database.​​

Permit Boundary Overlays

Permit Boundary Overlays depict permitted surface and underground mine boundaries and selected mining features.  Originally drawn on Mylar, the scanned and georeferenced maps can be downloaded and overlaid on digital topographic maps or aerial photographs.

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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