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Online Education Opportunities for Kentucky Blasters
KY DNR/DMRE/Non-Coal, Explosives and Blasting Branch has approved the following online courses to fulfill the 8 hour annual blaster retraining as required in KRS 351.315 (4)(a).

The links provided for each course will lead you to information such as topics covered, registration, instructors, and cost and payment procedures. Please see sidebar for more information.  Upon completion of these courses you will be provided with a certificate to verify you completed the course. This certificate is your proof of training and must be presented with your renewal paperwork at time of application for renewal. Additional courses will be added in the future. Please check back to see additional training opportunities. 

Wyoming DEQ's Blasting Webinars

Pre-recorded and available anytime. Open the following link, then scroll down to “Recorded Webinars are available here.”

Kentucky blasters using these webinars for retraining must download the corresponding questionnaire form for each webinar (Below). The form must be completed and signed then sent to the Manager of the Non-Coal, Explosives and Blasting Branch. These forms may be sent electronically or via US Postal Service to the address listed on the forms. The form will then be graded. A score of 80% or better is required to receive a certificate for course completion. These certificates will be returned electronically or via mail to the blaster to be used for verification of training when submitting blaster license renewal paperwork.  A copy of the certificate will also be added to the blaster’s electronic file maintained by the Department. Each webinar is 4 CE hours.

Blaster Training Verification Questionnaires:

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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