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​​​The Explosives and Blasting Branch recommends that anyone interested in becoming a blaster in Kentucky take a 30-hour initial blaster training course.

The 30-hour initial blaster training course is designed to cover all critical information and to ensure that you are prepared to take the test and become a blaster. In the event that you want to blast on a surface coal mine, you will also need a blasters certification in addition to a blasters license. The 30-hour class is a requirement for anyone wanting a blasters certification, and the training must be taken before you can take the certification test.

It is our opinion that the best method of becoming a blaster in Kentucky is to take an initial 30-hour training course since it not only ensures that you are prepared for the test but also allows you to receive a blasters certification should you desire one.  If you already know the information, then it serves as a review before you take the test. Either way, it is an excellent way to prepare for the test, and the information included in the course is a benefit to anyone no matter how much experience they may have.

The 30-hour initial training course is designed to walk you through all of the needed steps and forms to become a blaster without you having to discover them on your own. It also covers the material needed to ensure that you are prepared for the test and for your role as a blaster.

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
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