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Legislative History

In the 2011 regular session of the Kentucky General Assembly, the legislature passed House Bill 433, which established the Waste Tire Working Group (WTWG) in KRS 224.50-855. The bill:

  • prescribes the duties of the WTWG;
  • amends KRS 224.50-868 to require retailers of new passenger tires to distribute an information sheet on how to dispose of a waste tire to customers and requires the cabinet to develop the information sheet in conjunction with the WTWG;
  • amends KRS 224.50-874 to require the transporter or processor that contracts for out-of-state final disposal of the tires to return a receipt to the retailer showing who took final custody of the tires, and to require the retailer to contact the cabinet if a receipt has not been tendered by the transporter or processor within 30 days of receiving the tires.

The WTWG consists of the director of the Division of Waste Management, the manager of the Recycling and Local Assistance Branch, one representative of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and two representatives of the solid waste coordinators of Kentucky.

In the 2012 regular session of the General Assembly, the legislature passed House Bill 518, which amended KRS 224.50-855 to add to the membership of the WTWG one member who is a county judge/executive, one member who is a mayor and one member who is a representative of private industry engaged in the business of retail tire sales.  These three new members are to be appointed by the governor (appointments pending).

Read the WTWG Legislative History.

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