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Landfarming (or land applying) is the regulatory term used to define the application of wastes to land for agricultural benefit and disposal. Landfarming must not alter the topography of the land or disturb the soil more than three feet below the surface. The most commonly land applied materials are wastewater treatment plant sludges, which are also called biosolids. Landfarming biosolids avoids using up space in landfills and also provides nutrient to farm land.

The regulations regarding the landfarming of special wastes (biosolids, for the most part) are found in 401 KAR 45:100. Solid wastes may also be landfarmed; those regulations are found in 401 KAR 47:100. Landfarming facilities are further categorized based on the amount of waste applied annually, the level of pathogen reduction, and the concentration of metals in the waste.

In order to apply for a landfarm facility permit, an applicant must fill out the appropriate form for the type of waste to be applied. All landfarm facilities must have at least one certified operator who must be available to the facility during landfarming operations. The Division of Compliance Assistance is responsible for certification of operators.

Landfarm facilities are required to report on their activities on an annual basis. Annual reporting forms are also available in the same library.  Forms are available on the Solid Waste Branch Forms Page.

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