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Corrective Action Sections​

There are two Corrective Action Sections within the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Branch.  Project managers in these sections direct field work, review incoming reports, and provide regulatory guidance to owners, operators, and professionals regarding release response and reporting, initial abatement, site check, closure, site investigation, and corrective action.  To determine the reviewer assigned to your site, please see the County Reviewer List.

Site Checks
The cabinet may direct an owner/operator to perform a site check (SC) if a release occurs or is suspected to have occurred. This is to determine the presence of contamination where it is most likely to have occurred at the underground storage tank site.

Section 3.0 of the UST Corrective Action Manual provides the minimum requirements for a SC report. Some sites have unique features and may require additional information.

Closure or Replacement
When an underground storage tank (UST) owner or operator removes and/or replaces any part of a UST system (tanks, piping, etc.), they must follow the procedures in the Section 4.0 of the UST Corrective Action Manual pursuant to 401 KAR 42:060.

Owners or operators eligible to receive reimbursement from the Small Owners Tank Removal Account for the closure of USTs must use a laboratory from the Certified UST Laboratory List.

If you are going to install, repair or upgrade a UST system, a permit application must be submitted to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for approval. This includes internal lining and UST removals. For more information or to schedule a final inspection after installing or upgrading, contact the Office of the State Fire Marshal at 502-573-1702.

Site Investigations
A site investigation (SI) may be directed if contamination levels exceed screening levels. An SI will be used to determine the full extent of contamination in the soils, surface water, air, sediment, groundwater and/or bedrock. Section 5.0 of the UST Corrective Action Manual provides the minimum requirements for an SI report. Some sites have unique features and may require additional information.

All facilities within the site investigation phase that are eligible to receive reimbursement from the Financial Responsibility Account (FRA) and Petroleum Storage Tank Account (PSTA) of the Petroleum Storage Tank Environmental Assurance Fund (PSTEAF) are ranked in accordance with 401 KAR 42:250. Reimbursements from the FRA and PSTA are determined by this ranking system.

Corrective Action
The Section 6.0 of the UST Corrective Action Manual identifies required corrective action activities for releases from underground storage tank (UST) systems, including protocols for the following in accordance with 401 KAR 42:060:

  • Feasibility Studies
  • Pilot Studies
  • Corrective Action Plans
Once groundwater and soil remediation objectives have been achieved, a Letter of No Further Action can be issued to the owner of the UST facility.

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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