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​​Review documents related to the Corrective Action Plan of Herrington Lake in Mercer County.

1 EW Brown Supplemental Performance Monitoring (SPM) Report Text Tables Figures (2022 11 16).pdf

2 EW Brown SPM Report Appendices A-D Field Information (2022 11 16b).pdf

Conditional Approval - Herrington Lake QAPP and SOP.pdf                              

Cover Letter regarding CAP for EW Brown 08-1-2017.pdf                                 

EW B Phase I Tech Memo and Phase II Sampl Plan - Cover Letter.pdf            

EW B Phase I Technical Memo Tables and Figures (2018 04 30).pdf              

EW B Phase I Technical Memo_Appendices A-E (2018 04 30).pdf                  

EW B Phase I Technical Memo_Appendix F (2018 04 30).pdf                          

EW B Phase I Technical Memo_Appendix G (2018 04 30).pdf                           

EW B Station Phase 1 Tech Memo and Phase 2 Plan (2018 04 30).pdf            

EW Brown CAP Appendix A Figures final 08-18-2017.pdf                                 

EW Brown Coverletter - Response to KDEP Comments .pdf                             

EW Brown Herrington QAPP 2017 09 15c.pdf                                                         

EW Brown Phase II QAPP YOY Addendum 2018 05 10.pdf                                

EW Brown Phase II SOP YOY Fish Sampling 2018 05 10.pdf                             

EW Brown Response to cabinet comments Phase II Plan.pdf                            

EW Brown Station Corrective Action Plan final 08-18-2017.pdf                        

EW Brown_SOP_Sediment Pore Water 2017 09 15.pdf                                       

EW_Brown_SOP_Aquatic Veg and Invert 2017 09 15.pdf                                

EW_Brown_SOP_Fish_Sampling_2017 09 15.pdf                                              

EWBrown YOY Study Change Authorization (2018 07 18).pdf                           

Executed Agreed Order - OGC 1-31-2017.PDF                                                       

Herrington Lake Cap Phase I and Phase II Comments Letter.pdf                      

Herrington Lake EW Brown Updated Phase II Figures andTables.pdf              

Herrington QAPP - Cover Letter 9-18-2017.pdf                                                    

1 EW Brown Supplemental Remedial Alternatives Analysis (SRAA) Report Text-Tables-Figures (2021 08 05z).pdf

1 SRAA Report Text-Tables-Figures.pdf

3 EW Brown SRAA App B Footprints- Appendix C Costs.pdf

2 EW Brown SRAA Appendix A SOPs.pdf

2 EW Brown SRAA Appendix A SOPs (2021 08 05z).pdf

KU - Letter to KDEP - SRAA Report 2021-08-05.pdf

3 EW Brown SRAA Appendix B Footprints- Appendix C Costs (2021 08 05z).pdf

Documents submitted to the Division of Water for review.

0 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Report_Text_Tables_Figures_June_2019b.pdf    [37,703 KB]

1 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Appendix_A_June_2019b.pdf                                     [658 KB]

2 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Appendix_B_June_2019b.pdf                                    [20,142 KB]

3 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Appendix_C_June_2019b.pdf                                    [3,466 KB]

4 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Appendix_D_June_2019b.pdf                                    [15,943 KB]

5 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Appendix_E_June_2019b.pdf                                    [2,139 KB]

6 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Appendix_F_June_2019.pdf                                       [218,757 KB]

7 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Appendix_G_June_2019.pdf                                       [245,003 KB]

8 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Appendix_H_June_2019b.pdf                                    [4,384 KB]

9 EW_Brown_Corrective_Action_ISARA_Appendix_I_June__2019b.pdf                                   [38,490 KB]

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