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This page is intended to provide useful information to wastewater laboratories submitting compliance sample results to the Division of Water. This website is updated periodically, but should not be considered the most up-to-date mechanism for obtaining information.

Laboratories may review program updates, download useful documents or use this page as a reference to find other useful websites.
Please email the Division of Water Laboratory Certification Program to request information regarding Kentucky certified wastewater laboratories.



Beginning in 2019, all wastewater certified laboratories are required to utilize the revised EPA Method Detection Limit Study Rev 2 procedure for all method-analyte pairs for which the laboratory is certified (see factsheet below).  The EPA procedure may be found at:


Kentucky Laboratory Certification Program - Wastewater Submission Requirements

​Certification Type ​Certification Year ​Documents Required ​Submission Due
​General Laboratory ​Even Year ​Application
Fees worksheet
Fee payment

All documents (as per applicable sections 8-12)

​November 15th of the previous year

Nov 15th-Dec 15th penalty of 15%

After Dec 15th penalty of 25%

​General Laboratory ​Odd Year

​Fees worksheet
Fee payment

(please submit any changes in contacts or the method-analyte list)

​November 15th of the previous year

Nov 15th-Dec 15th penalty of 15%

After Dec 15th penalty of 25%

​Field-only Laboratory ​Odd Year ​Application
Fees worksheet
Fee payment

All documents (as per section 7)

​November 15th of the previous year

Nov 15th-Dec 15th penalty of 15%

After Dec 15th penalty of 25%

​Field-only Laboratory ​Even Year ​Fees worksheet
Fee payment

(please submit any changes in contacts or the method-analyte list)

​November 15th of the previous year

Nov 15th-Dec 15th penalty of 15%

After Dec 15th penalty of 25%




KWLCP Application Form - Application package [1482 KB]
WWLC Application Decision Tree - ​Diagram walkthrough for determining KWLCP application requirements [196 KB]
WW Field Only Method Analyte List - ​KWLCP Method Analyte List for Field Only Laboratories [3138 KB]
​WW Method_Analyte List TEMPLATE - ​Tool for preparing list of requested method/analyte pairings [209 KB]
FACTSHEET MDL Rev 2 Requirements.pdf - EPA’s Revised MDL Rev 2 Procedure [346 KB]
Revised MDL Workbook.xlsx- Calculation Tool for the Revised MDL Procedure [118 KB]
IDC ODC and RLS Worksheets.xlsx - Tool for calculating Demonstration of Capability and RLS [177 KB]
FAQ_WWLC.pdf​ - ​Wastewater Laboratory Certification Frequently Asked Questions [220 KB]
Kentucky Wastewater Laboratory Certification Manual - KWLCP Manual [544 KB]
Kentucky Administrative Regulations Title 401 - KWLCP Regulation found in Chapter 5:320
KY Approved PT Providers List - ​KWLCP approved PT provider list [271 KB]
Documentation for Initial WET Testing Certification.docx - Guidance Document for Initial Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing Certification [16 KB]

Method Update Rule 2012 - ​2012 EPA Method Update Rule [17 KB]
Summary of EPA Draft QAPP Requirements (CIO 2106_S-02)​​ - ​EPA Outline of Quality Standard for Environmental Data Collection, Production, and Use by Non-EPA (External) Organizations (CIO 2106-S-0.2.0) [30 KB]
KY Approved EPA Compliant Methods​ - KWLCP Approved EPA Compliant Alternative Test Procedure (ATP) Methods [26148 KB]
Laboratory ATP Application Required Documents​ - ​Summary of documents required for using  an ATP method for Wastewater Compliance Sample Analysis [192 KB]
ATP Method Requirements​ - ​Alternative Test Method Requirements [116 KB]
Requirements for Laboratories Requesting EPA Method Modification Approval​ - ​Summary of documents required for using a method modification for Wastewater Compliance Sample Analysis [148 KB]
Factsheet Nitrogen Total Methodology Options - ​Factsheet for KPDES Permit Defined Total Nitrogen Determination and QC Requirements [112 KB]
Laboratory Demonstration of Capability Procedure - ​Procedure for performing Laboratory DOC [492 KB]
The Objective of the QAP - ​The objective of the Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) in a laboratory [371 KB]
DMR Manual - ​Revised DMR Guidance Manual for KPDES Permit (Revised January 2017) [1268 KB]
KWLCP pH Only Procedure for Multiple Facilities - ​pH Only Stormwater Administrative Procedures for Multiple Facilities [247 KB]
KWLCP QC Summary for pH Only Field Analysis - ​QC summary requirements for field-only laboratories performing pH analysis [240 KB]
Verifying your Chlorine Meter Performance - Training video for Total Residual Chlorine meter performance provided by EPA Region 3
General SOP Template - General Laboratory Template for Standard Operating Procedures [55 KB]
General QAP Template - ​General Laboratory Template for Quality Assurance Plan [126 KB]
Field SOP Template - ​Field only Laboratory Template for Standard Operating Procedures [130 KB]
Field QAP Template - ​Field only Laboratory Template for Quality Assurance Plan [171 KB]
Field pH only SOP Template - Standard Operating Procedure Template for Field only Analysis of pH [88 KB]
Field pH only QAP Template - Quality Assurance Plan Template for Field only analysis of pH [85 KB]
Field pH only QAP and SOP Instructions - ​Instructions for how to complete the Field pH only SOP and QAP Templates [31 KB]
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300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601

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