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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​General permits provide a streamlined means for the Division of Water (DOW) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to approve common activities resulting in minimal impacts to surface waters. The USACE has authorized Nationwide Permits (NWPs) for specific activities within surface waters. Each NWP has a corresponding Water Quality Certification determination from the DOW and is either certified as written, certified with conditons, or denied by the DOW. The USACE and DOW renew the NWPs and their corresponding certifications every five years.

Applicants should contact their area U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District Office for information regarding NWPs and CWA §404 permitting requirements. A listing of USACE regional offices can be found under Related Agencies.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permits

Effective March 15, 2021, sixteen (16) NWPs were reissued by the USACE. DOW issued General Water Quality Certifications for these NWPs December 18, 2020.

Effective February 25, 2022, forty-one (41) NWPs were reissued by the USACE. DOW issued General Water Quality Certifications for these NWPs December 18, 2020.

The 2020 General Water Quality Certifications replace the 2017 General Water Quality Certifications. If a project is authorized by any of the 2021 or 2022 NWPs, the activity must comply with the conditions for the 2020 General Water Quality Certifications. ​

Summary Chart_2020 WQCs for All 57 Nationwide Permits.pdf

Certification Determinations:

Certified as written: A certification from the Division of Water is not required if the proposed activity is authorized under the NWP​ issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Certified with conditions: The NWP has a General Water Quality Certification with conditions authorized by the Division of Water. The proposed activity must meet the conditions to qualify for General Certification. The proposed activity will require an Individual Water Quality Certification if the activity does not qualify for General Certification.

Denied: The proposed activity requires an Individual Water Quality Certification. An application must be submitted to the Division of Water. Additional application information can be found on the Applying for Certification page.

Certified General Permits and Letters of Permission:

Letter of Permission for Sand and Gravel Dredging on the Ohio River

Kentucky Vessel General Permit and Small Vessel General Permit 401 Certification

Water Quality Certification for Regional General Permit 20-01 Minor Structures, Fill, Dredging, and Work within Dale Hollow Lake, Lake Barkley, Lake Cumberland, Laurel River Lake, and Martins Fork Lake

Water Quality Certification for Regional General Permit 20-02 Invasive Aquatic Species Management

Final Kentucky Regional Conditions for 2021 NWPs

Water Quality Certification for Floating Cabins

Water Quality Certification for Programmatic General Permit 23-10 Minor Structures, Work, and Associated Minor Activities within Kentucky Lake

Water Quality Certification for Regional General Permit 24-02 Natural Disaster Recovery Cumberland River Basin

​​General Water Quality Certifications of Nationwide Permits

2020 General Water Quality Certification of 2021 & 2022 Nationwide Permits​

Conditions/ Documents
01Aids to Navigationcertified as written
02Structures in Artificial Canalscertified as written
03Maintenancecertified with conditions
04Fish and Wildlife Harvesting, Enhancement, and Attraction Devices, and Activitiescertified as written
05Scientific Measurement Devicescertified with conditions
06Survey Activitiescertified as written
07Outfall Structures and Associated Intake Structurescertified with conditions
08Oil and Gas Structures on the Outer Continental Shelfcertified as written
09Structures in Fleeting and Anchorage Areascertified as written
10Mooring Bouyscertified as written
11Temporary Recreational Structurescertified as written
12Oil or Natural Gas Pipeline Activitiescertified with conditions
13Bank Stabilizationcertified with conditions
14Linear Transportation Projectscertified with conditions
15U.S. Coast Guard Approved Bridgescertified with conditions
16Return Water from Upland Contained Disposal Areasdenied
17Hydropower Projectsdenied
18Minor Dischargescertified with conditions
19Minor Dredgingcertified with conditions
20Response Operations for Oil or Hazardous Substancescertified as written
21Surface Coal Mining Activitiescertified with conditions
22Removal of Vesselscertified as written
23Approved Categorical Exclusionscertified with conditions
24Indian Tribe or State Administered 404 Programscertified as written
25Structural Dischargescertified with conditions
27Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Establishment, and Enhancement Activitiescertified with conditions
28Modifications to Existing Marinascertified as written
29Residential Developmentscertified with conditions
30Moist Soil Management for Wildlifecertified with conditions
31Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Facilitiescertified with conditions
32Completed Enforcement Actionsdenied
33Temporary Construction, Access and Dewateringcertified with conditions
34Cranberry Production Activitiescertified as written
35Maintenance Dredging of Existing Basinscertified as written
36Boat Rampscertified with conditions
37Emergency Watershed Protection and Rehabilitationcertified with conditions
38Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Wastedenied
39Commercial and Institutional Developmentscertified with conditions
40Agricultural Activitiescertified as written
41Reshaping Existing Drainage Ditchescertified as written
42Recreational Facilitiescertified with conditions
43Stormwater Management Facilitiesdenied
44Mining Activitiesdenied
45Repair of Uplands Damaged by Discrete Eventscertified with conditions
46Discharges in Ditchescertified with conditions
48Commercial Shellfish Mariculture Activitiescertified as written
49Coal Remining Activitiescertified with conditions
50Underground Coal Mining Activitiescertified with conditions
51Land-Based Renewable Energy Generation Facilitiescertified with conditions
52Water-Based Renewable Energy Generation Pilot Projectsdenied
53Removal of Low-Head Damsdenied
54Living Shorelinescertified as written
55Seaweed Mariculture Activitiescertified as written
56Finfish Mariculture Activitiescertified as written
57Electrical Utility Line and Telecommunications Activitiescertified with conditions
58Utility Line Activities for Water and Other Substancescertified with conditions
59Water Reclamation and Reuse Facilitiescertified with conditions

Related Documents​

2017  Water Quality Certifications of Nationwide Permits: Effective March 19, 2017 to March 19, 2022

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.