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​In 1998, the Kentucky General Assembly passed KRS 149.330 to 149.355, known as the Kentucky Forest Conservation Act (KFCA). While the act places its primary responsibility on loggers, private forestland owners should be aware of the law because they provide most of the timber in Kentucky.  

Water quality is one of the most important aspects of KFCA. KFCA requires loggers to use best management practices (BMPs) during tree harvesting and to correct any damage to land and water. Landowners also need to know about BMPs and water quality related to forestry operations as they are subject to the Agriculture Water Quality Act​ (KRS 224.71-100 to 224.71-140), which specifies that landowners will ensure that appropriate BMPs for various agricultural activities, including timber harvesting are implemented.

To view the specific requirements of KFCA, please link to KRS 149.330 - 149.355. 

Timber Harvest Inspections and Compliance

The division provides landowners and loggers with technical assistance to encourage the use of appropriate BMPs to prevent erosion and protect water quality. Logging operations should involve pre-planning operations, anticipation of potential erosion and water pollution problems and designing solutions into the operation using BMPs.

Although it is not required, landowners and loggers are encouraged to notify their local field branch office, of their commercial timber harvesting operations. Division personnel will inspect the harvest to ensure the requirements under KRS 149.342 and KRS 149.344 are being met.

Publications and Information

Numerous publications are provided by the division to further explain the requirements of KFCA and to educate landowners and loggers about using BMPs to protect water quality during timber harvesting. Please link to Forestry Publications to view or download these documents.

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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