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​The Water Supply Replacement Program (WSRP) focuses on protecting, repairing, replacing, constructing, or enhancing facilities relating to water supply, including water distribution facilities and treatment plants, to replace water supplies adversely affected by historic coal mining practices.  These community cooperation projects are funded through allocations in the reauthorization of the AML program established in SMCRA and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. 

The WSRP is not an individual assistance program; however, it allows the local government or the representing Water Utility District to apply for assistance where historic mining has impacted potable water.

General WSRP Information:
  • A County Judge Executive, an official representing a Water Utility District, or another relevant entity submits a WSRP Application to the Division of Abandoned Mine Lands (DAML) to Deanne Hagedorn​ requesting that DAML fund a waterline extension/supply project to a specific area within the applicant’s jurisdiction.
  • There are no deadlines for applications.
  • Projects are prioritized and approved when funding is available.
  • A connection to historic pre-law mining (that which ceased prior to May 18, 1982), is required for eligibility.
  • If an area is considered post-law (predominantly mined for coal after May 18, 1982), then the area is typically considered ineligible for AML funds. 
  • A groundwater survey must be completed by AML staff to compare the mine history results with the water quality in the proposed area.
  • KYDAML may act as a partner in funding projects for system wide improvements.  Expenditures for these type of projects are typically based on the amount of AML customers (residents previously and currently served by AML water replacement funding).
  • Prior to construction all projects must receive an Authorization to Proceed (ATP) from OSMRE.

Appendices for Memorandum of Agreements for Abandoned Mine Lands Water Supply Restoration Projects (WSRP)​

Kentucky AML-funded WSRP projects are governed by Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs) between the Commonwealth of Kentucky/Energy and Environment Cabinet (EEC)/Division of Abandoned Mine Lands (the Commonwealth) and the Subrecipient of the federal grant funds. These MOAs include a unique appendices used only for WSPR projects. A link to the appropriate appendices is referenced in the MOA and Subrecipients are required to access their appropriate Appendices here.

​Appendices Forms

Appendix A - Contractor Subcontractor Information Form
Appendix B - Campaign Finance Law Compliance Form
Appendix C - Request For Payment (RFP) Form
Appendix D - 29 CFR 5.5 (Updated 2-26-2024)
Appendix E - WDLBAML Monthly Report Form
Appendix F - Monthly WSRP Grantee Budget Report
Appendix G - Coal Industry Employee Certification Form
Appendix H - WDLBAML Summary Evaluation Form
Appendix I - AML Davis Bacon Handbook
Appendix I.a. - Conformance Form SF 1444
Appendic I.b. - Rate in Effect
Appendix I.c. - WH 347
Appendix I.d. - No Work Statement
Appendix I.e. - Posters WH 1321
Appendix I.f. - Interview Form
Appendix I.g. - Form AML 001 Report of Compliance DBA
Appendix I.h. - DBA Compliance Checklist
Appendix J - AML BABA Handbook
Appendix J.a. - Form AML 002 Report of Compliance BABA
Appendix J.b. - Form AML 003 Certificate of Compliance BABA

Additional Forms

Waterline Supply Replacement Application
MOA Information


To learn more about working as a contractor in Kentucky, Davis Bacon Wage Information and Build America Buy America programs, please vist the Contractor Infomation page​.

For more information or questions please contact:
Deanne Hagedorn  (
Division of Abandoned Mine Lands
3rd Floor State Office Building
85 State Police Road
London, KY 40741-9011
(606) 330-2085 - Office   (606) 330-2102 - Fax


Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

Phone Directory
Contact Us
Civil Rights/Derecho Civiles

The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.