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​KY Coal and Clay Mine Maps and Data, 1884 – Present

The Mine Map Information Center has for more than 30 years operated the Mine Map Repository for the Division of Mine Safety (DMS). This program is sponsored by the U.K. Center for Applied Energy Research in coordination with the Office of Surface Mining’s (OSM) Mine Map Repository in Pittsburgh and is operated out of the facilities of the DMS.

Currently the office has more than 175,000 paper coal mine maps on file and 183,000 mine records in the corresponding database. The maps range in date from 1948 to present, while the data spans 1884 to present.  A fire in 1948 destroyed 30,000+ mine maps, but many have been replaced over the years.  A few old maps prior to 1948 are on file.  The office receives all active coal mine maps each year as well as any closure maps.  Additionally, DMS receives every six months maps of mines in the proximity of oil and gas wells.  Our major concern is the underground mine map.  However, we also have a complete record of every surface mine maps on file.  Coal seam data is also maintained for the Commonwealth.

If you would like to visit the facility to obtain mapping information or to view the map documents, contact us and make an appointment at 502-782-6307.   If you would like to view coal mine maps on the Internet or download scanned maps and print mine reports, go to the Kentucky Mine Mapping Information System  link in the right hand box.

Visitors to the facility may obtain printed reports based on database searches or database extracts in digital format. The mine data may be accessed using any possible search criteria as well as location based on U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps.

​Underground Mine Maps

Recent updates include mine location data and coordinates, standardized "Data Block" (this does not replace your own title block) and other conventions. Again follow the guidelines on the transmittal letter and in the requirements document.

Surface Mine Maps

The biggest change is that DMS now requires a surface mine map that depicts dated mined-out areas for past, present and 12-month projections.  Note that the latitude/longitude should be where the haul road intersects the coal seam at the works. DMS will no longer accept an MRP map for surface mine licensing. Follow the guidelines on the transmittal letter and in the requirements document.

Coal Seam Information

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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