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Mine licensee check list

  1. Mine License Application.pdf
  2. Officers and directors of licensee additional page
  3. One certified check or money order payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer in the amount of $300.  Re-license will be based on the tonnage from the previous year, $300 plus $100 for each additional 100,000 tons up to $1,500 maximum.
  4. Application for proposed mine openings.  New mine openings or additional openings only.
  5. Emergency Action Plan
  6. Mine Ventilation Plan Cover Sheet (must submit M.S.H.A.-approved plan)
  7. Approved fan stoppage plan
  8. Roof Control Plan Cover Sheet
  9. Roof Control Plan (available at a district office)
  10. Solid blasting permit application. This is for solid mine blasting only.
  11. Underground diesel-powered equipment.  Only if applicable.
  12. Authorization form  (Required only if the executive officer is unable to be present to sign all the required forms).
  13. Two notarized up-to-date maps of the mine certified by an engineer licensed in Kentucky.  The maps must show a 12-month projection of the mine KRS 352.450.
  14. One underground map transmittal letter must accompany the maps.
  15. Workers' Compensation coverage (Our office will verify the coverage through the Department of Labor in Frankfort, KY).
  16. Approval for a mine license from the Department of Revenue in Frankfort, KY.
Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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