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Mine Reclamation and Enforcement

​​​​The Division of Mine Reclamation and Enforcement consists of the Director's Office, the Technical Support, Non-Coal, Explosives & Blasting, Pikeville, Middlesboro, Hazard and Middlesboro Branches.

Division Organization

Director's Office

Sheri Mullins, Acting Director

Jay Cunningham​, Acting Assistant Director

Pete Poynter, Environmental Engineer Consultant

Randall Ousley, Environmental Scientist Consultant II

Owen Michels, Environmental Scientist Consultant I

Catherine Louderback, Program Coordinator

Todd Pack, Purchasing Agent

Technical Support Branch

Linda Fischer​, Environmental Control Manager

Section Supervi​sors

Stacy Lyons​, Assessments & Bonding Section

VACANT, Complaints & Technical Investigations Section

Non-Coal, Explosives & Blasting Branch

Marty Brashear, Environmental Control Manager

Section Supervisors

Brenda Taylor, Non-Coal & Blasting Section I

Culhayne Nickles, Non-Coal & Blasting Section II

Madisonville Branch

Glenn Lacy, Environmental Control Manager

Section Supervisors

Blake Bibbee, Madisonville Enforcement Section I

Hazard Branch

Derrick Slone​, Environmental Control Manager

Section Supervisors

Daniel Sumner, Hazard Enforcement Section I

VACANT, Hazard Enforcement Section II

Eric Holbrook Hazard Enforcement Section III

Pikeville Branch

Gina McGinnis,  Environmental Control Manager

Section Supervisors

Josh Baldwin, Pikeville Enforcement Section I

Gene Blackburn, Pikeville Enforcement Section II

Clifford Tussey, Pikeville Enforcement Section III

Jerry Overstreet, Pikeville Enforcement Section IV

Middlesboro Branch

VACANT, Environmental Control Manager

Section Supervisors

Dwayne Taylor​​, Middlesboro Enforcement Section I

Jack Barton, Middlesboro Enforcement Section II

Scottie Napier​, Middlesboro Enforcement Section III

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.