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The printed "Naturally Kentucky" newsletter was discontinued in 2016. For current news and information, be sure to subscribe to our Facebook and Youtube pages as well as our annual reports - links can be found on our "News" page.

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NatKy76_SummerFall2016.pdf*Celebrating the 40th at Berry Hill Mansion *In the Spotlight: Wet Meadow *Kentucky’s Invasive Plants *The Way We Are - The Future of Protecting Kentucky’s Natural Heritage *Land Protection Report *Study on Kinniconick Creek Wraps Up *Natural Area Registry Spotlight *Remembering Generous Acts at Quiet Trails State Nature Preserve *Retirement of the Director2016
NatKY75_WinterSpring2016.pdf*Forty Years of Biodiversity Protection *In the Spotlight: Cumberland Plateau Gravel/Cobble Bar *Kentucky’s Least Wanted Plants *The Way We Were - 40 Years of Protecting Kentucky’s Natural Heritage *Land Protection Report *Natural Area Registry Spotlight *The Director’s Notes2016
NatKy74_SummerFall2015.pdf*Kentucky's Threatened and Endangered Fishes - The Duskytail Darter *In the Spotlight: Bottomland Hardwood Forest *Kentucky’s Invasive Plants *Cranks Creek/Stone Mountain Educational Trail Open House *KSNPC’s Key Role in the Recovery of the White-Haired Goldenrod *Kentucky’s Natural Heritage Art Display at Central Bank *Kentucky Barrens Tour with Fire Historian Stephen J. Pyne *Natural Area Registry Spotlight *Director's Notes2015
NatKY73 _ WinterSpring corrections.pdfCorrections2015
NatKy73_WinterSpring2015.pdf*Kentucky's Threatened and Endangered Fishes - The Relict Darter *Loran Gibson Receives 2014 Biological Diversity Protection Award *Kentucky’s Least Wanted Plants and Native Alternatives *Natural Areas Registry *Bob and Ruth Matheny Presented With 2014 Volunteer Steward Award *What Lies Beneath—Discovering Mussels at the WKU Green River Preserve *Community Spotlight—Cypress (tupelo) Swamp *Land Protection Report *Joyce Bender Receives Lifetime Achievement Award *The Director’s Notes2015
NatKy72_CORRECTEDSummerFall2014 (1).pdf*Kentucky's Threatened and Endangered Fishes - The Blackside Dace *Kentucky’s Invasive Plants *Natural Area Registry Spotlight *Kentucky's Natural Heritage Database Upgrades to Biotics 5 *KSNPC Staff Reflects on the Retirement of Deborah White, Botanist *In the Spotlight: Dolomite Glade and Barrens *Land Protection Report *KSNPC Photo Contest *Director's Notes *The Passing of Dr. Thomas G. Barnes2014
Natky71_WinterSpring2014.pdf*Kentucky Bio: Natural Diversity in the Commonwealth *Natural Area Registry Spotlight *Land Protection Report *Happy Trails to Dan Cox *Help Save the Monarchs *In the Spotlight: Calcareous Mesophytic Forest *The Director’s Notes2014
Natky70_SummerFall2013.pdf*Another Pine Mountain Treasure *Kentucky Gladecress Proposed for Federal Listing *KET Receives Regional Emmy Award *New Clover Discovered *KET EncycloMedia Expands *Julian Savanna State Nature Preserve Featured During Farm-City Field Day *In the Spotlight: Sinkhole/depression Marsh *Sundew Meadow Continued *Volunteer Appreciation—Clint Barber *Land Protection Report *The Director’s Notes *ESA Basics, 40 Years of Conserving Endangered Species2013
Natky69_WinterSpring2013.pdf*Sundew Meadow – A Unique Remnant of Pre-settlement Kentucky *Our Native Bees are in Trouble *Farewell to Greg Abernathy *Archer Benge State Nature Preserve Dedication *Kentucky’s Least Wanted Plants *In the Spotlight: Limestone/dolomite prairie *Land Protection Report *Director’s Notes2013
Natky68_SummerFall2012.pdf* These Days, It’s Rough Being a Bat * Metropolis Lake Access Improved * Joyce Bender, 2011 Kentucky Naturalist of the Year * In the Spotlight: Xeric Red Cedar - Oak Forest/Woodland * Invasive Species Highlight: Asian bittersweet * Name That Species Contest * Prescribed Fire, a Critical Management Tool for Kentucky * Farewell and Good Luck * More Staff Departures * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes * Upcoming Hikes and Events2012
Natky67_WinterSpring2012.pdf* Coming Home * Aquatic Studies of the South Fork Kentucky River * Kentucky Life Receives the 2011 Biological Diversity Protection Award * In the Spotlight: Appalachian Seep/Bog Communities of Pine Mountain * Invasive Species Highlight: Sweet Autumn Clematis Named Kentucky’s Least Wanted Plant of 2012 * Name a Species * Spring Prescribed Fire Season * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes * Upcoming Hikes and Events2012
Natky66_SummerFall2011.pdf* Thirty-five Years of Biodiversity Protection * In the Spotlight: Limestone Slope Glades * Invasive Species Highlight: Spotted Knapweed * The Winds of Change * New Moth Species Found * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes * Upcoming Hikes and Events2011
Natky65_WinterSpring2011.pdf* Terns and Tigers on the Mississippi * Sweet-fern - A Rare Kentucky Shrub * The Commission Remembers Quiet Trails Benefactor Bill Wiglesworth * In the Spotlight: Cumberland Highlands Forest & Black Mountain * Invasive Species Highlight: Lesser Celandine * Ryan Evans Leaves the Commission * Join the Friends of Kentucky Nature Preserves today! * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes * Upcoming Hikes and Events2011
Natky64_Summer2010.pdf* Kentucky’s Natural Heritage (new publication now available) * New Discoveries in Dark Places – Kentucky Cave Crayfishes * Vacuuming the Glades, Sweeping the Prairies * In the Spotlight: Coastal Plain Forested Acid Seep & the Blood River * Invasive Species Highlight: Japanese Stiltgrass * Exploring the Elkhorn * Millipede New to Science Discovered at Bad Branch State Nature Preserve * Quiet Trails SNP Gets A New Trailhead Kiosk! * Spring 2010 Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Treatments * Executive Safety Advisory Committee Safety Award * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes2010
Natky63_Winter2010.pdf* International Year of Biodiversity * Dr. David S. Maehr Receives Biological Diversity Protection Award * Ellis Laudermilk Named Naturalist of the Year * In the Spotlight: Hemlock-mixed Forests and Associated Species * Invasive Species Highlight: Hemlock Woolly Adelgid * Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Update - Fall 2009 Treatments * KSNPC Receives a $10,000 Data Improvement Grant from NatureServe * Volunteer Workday at Vernon-Douglas SNP a Success * Winter Hiking * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes2010
Natky62_Summer2009.pdf* The Tigers of Kentucky * Ice Storm Recovery – Eight Months Later * Spring 2009 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatments a Great Success! * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Recreational Trails Program Award * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes2009
Natky61_Winter2009.pdf* Protecting Biological Diversity - The 2007/2008 Biennial Report * Gating Project Protects Endangered Bats at Natural Bridge * Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatments Completed for 2008 * Dr. Thomas Barr Jr. Receives Biological Diversity Protection Award * Retirements * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * In Memory of Jon E. Rickert * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes2009
Natky60_Fall2008.pdf* Chronicles of a Glacial Relict * Wood Lilies Show Decline * Third Annual Short’s Goldenrod Festival * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Got Garlic Mustard? A New Approach to Control * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes * Upcoming Hikes and Events * Tsuga Art & Music2008
Natky59_Summer2008.pdf* Black Bear Research in Southeastern Kentucky * Musket Balls Among the Goldenrod * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Blackacre Hosts KCC Meeting in September * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes * Upcoming Hikes and Events2008
Natky58_Spring2008.pdf* Biologists Answer Some of the Mysteries of Bat Life Histories * Japanese Hops Emerges as an Aggressive Invasive Plant in Kentucky * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Black Bear Cub Born Just Outside Blanton Forest * Springtime in Kentucky * Director’s Notes * Upcoming Hikes and Events2008
Natky57_Winter2008.pdf* The KNLT Story * Fighting Bush Honeysuckle the Ben Franklin Way * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Hugh Archer Receives 2007 Biological Diversity Protection Award * Volunteer Steward for 2007 is Mary Carol Cooper * Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Surveyed with Volunteers * Director’s Notes2008
Natky56_Fall2007.pdf* Biodiversity Project Reaches Over 500,000 Kentuckians, Launches New Educational Resources * KSNPC Landowner Incentive Program Works to Protect Rare Orchid * Pilot Knob’s Main Trail Renamed to Honor Oscar Geralds * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Second Annual Short’s Goldenrod Festival * Farewell to Heather Housman * Director’s Note2007
Natky55_Summer2007.pdf* Second Annual Short’s Goldenrod Festival * West Virginia Native Plant Society Inventories Rare Plant at Jenny Wiley State Park * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Farewell to Ron Scott * Director’s Notes * In the Footsteps of Lucy Braun2007
Natky54_Spring2007.pdf* Nuisance Aquatic Animals in Kentucky * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Volunteer Day at Blanton Forest State Nature Preserve * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes * In the Footsteps of Lucy Braun2007
Natky53_Winter2007.pdf* A Message from Governor Ernie Fletcher * 1976-2006 30 Years for KSNPC * Dr. William H. Martin receives 2006 Biological Diversity Protection Award * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Volunteer Steward for 2006 is Harold Kelley * Land Protection Report * Eastern Region Has a New Manager * Director’s Notes2007
Natky52_Fall2006.pdf* Reflections on 20 Years of Biodiversity Protection In Kentucky * Dangerous Times for Our Forest Cathedrals * KSNPC Hosts First Short’s Goldenrod Festival * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Land Protection Report * The Trouble with Tires… * Happy Trails, Dave * Prescribed Fire Photo * Director’s Notes2006
Natky51_Summer2006.pdf* Natural Bridge State Park Nature Preserve Impacted by Off-Road Vehicles * Short’s Goldenrod Festival * Goodbye and Good Luck to Preserve Management Partners * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Land Protection Report * Prescribed Fire Photos * Director’s Notes2006
Natky50_Spring2006.pdf* Bluegrass Savanna-Woodland Project * Out With the Invasive, In With the Native * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Land Protection Report * New KSNPC Logo Unveiled * Director’s Notes * In the Footsteps of Lucy Braun2006
Natky49_Winter2006.pdf* Partners in Conservation * Bad Branch * Dr. Ronald L. Jones Receives the Commission’s 2005 Biological Diversity Protection Award * Robert Dunlap Receives the 2005 Volunteer Steward Award * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes * Tax Checkoff2006
Natky48_Fall2005.pdf* Rare Plants and Rivers * KSNPC publishes Ph.D. Dissertation on Snakes of Kentucky * Ecological Treasure in the Purchase Area Added to State Nature Preserves System * Trespassers Punished After Breaking into Carpenter Cave * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Land Protection Report * Heritage Branch Experiences Changes * Happy Trails to George Crabtree, Preserve Monitor * Director’s Notes2005
Natky47_Summer2005.pdf* All’s Not Quiet on the Western Front – A Preserve Manager’s Perspective * Unusual Bird Encountered at Natural Bridge State Park Nature Preserve * An Assessment of “Hot Spots” & Priority Watersheds for Conservation * Research on Kentucky’s Nature Preserves * Prescribed Fires on State Nature Preserves * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Land Protection Report * In The Footsteps of Lucy Braun * Director’s Notes2005
Natky46_Spring2005.pdf* Across the Americas: Kentucky’s Ecological Link to Latin America * Annual Spring Equinox Outing a Success * Land Protection Report * Prescribed Fire Photos * It’s All New To Me * In the Spotlight: Kentucky’s Rare Species and Communities * Director’s Notes2005
Natky45_Winter2005.pdf* Dr. Charles Covell Jr. Ph. D, Receives Commission’s 2004 Biological Diversity Protection Award * Sonja Fields Receives 2004 Volunteer Steward Award * Yet Another Rare Plant Discovered at Crooked Creek SNP * New Lands Added to the SNP System * Land Protection Report * Director’s Notes2005
Natky44_Fall2004.pdf* Return of the Majestic Great Blue * Nature Preserve System Now Reaches to Lincoln County * Hardin County Gets Forth SNP * What’s New? * Kentucky’s Landowner Incentive Program, Partnerships in Protection * Land Protection Updates * Director’s Notes2004
Natky43_Summer2004.pdf* Kentucky Rare Plant Information Online * Raiding Mother Earth’s Medicine Chest * Director’s Notes * New Addition to High Lewis Pine Barrens SNP2004
Natky42_Spring04.pdf* Blackacre SNP – 25 Years of Preservation and Education * Volunteers and Staff Help One of Kentucky’s Rarest Plants * Tiny Predator Rediscovered In Kentucky * Director’s Notes * Environmental Quality Commission 2004 Earth Day Award to Blackacre SNP2004
Natky41_Winter03-04.pdf* Geographic Information Systems Help the Commission Meet its Mission * Ed Craft Receives 2003 Volunteer Steward Award * 2003 Biological Protection Award to Tom FitzGerald * Mussel Decline in Horse Lick Creek Studied * Director’s Notes * Land Protection Report2004
Natky40_Fall2003.pdf* Kentucky in the Days of Lewis and Clark – Changes in Wildlife Habitat * Brigadoon SNP Now Open for Public Use * Director’s Notes * Land Protection Report2003
Natky39.pdf* James E. Bickford SNP Dedicated at Pine Mountain Settlement School * KSNPC Commissioner Kenneth D. Jackson Retires After 14 Years * Director’s Notes * Land Protection Report2003
Natky38.pdf* The Rare Plant Act – It’s Official * Springtime at Logan County Glade SNP * Tribute to Kris Snyder * Director’s Notes * Land Protection Report * Commission Presents Annual Awards2003
Natky37.pdf* Kentucky’s Stream Dragons * Cumberland Falls SPNP * Kentucky State Fair Exhibit * Director’s Notes * Land Protection Report2002
Natky36.pdf* Pine Mountain – An Impressive Work of Mother Nature * 2001 KSNPC Biological Diversity Protection Award Recipient – John Roy MacGregor * Hunting For Freshwater Mussels in the Green River * Blanton Forest Opens at Last! * KSNPC Our Work Has Barely Begun… * Franklin County Landowners Protect Globally Rare Plant * Update from the Director2002
Natky35.pdf* Blanton Forest Grows… * Blackacre – Reflections on Our First Preserve * Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of KSNPC * Director’s Notes * How You Can Help2001
Natky34.pdf* We Are Celebrating Our 25th Anniversary * Lower Howard’s Creek Becomes 40th SNP * Director’s Notes * Invertebrates… Catch the Fever! * Sherri Evans Memorial Fund2001
Natky33.pdf* The State of Kentucky’s Natural Communities * More Land for Nature Preserves * Fish Consumption Advisory at Metropolis Lake SNP * Director’s Update * Black Carp Invasion * Drought Leaves Mussels High and Dry * We Will Miss You Barry!2000
Natky32.pdf* Raiding Mother Earth’s Medicine Chest * Carl Cook Receives Commission’s Biodiversity Protection Award * Director’s Annual Report * Uncovering the Silver Lining at Blanton Forest * Tax Check-off and HCLF Programs Support Invaluable Research Efforts to Help Guide Stewardship * Sherri Evans Memorial Fund2000
Natky31.pdf* Aliens Among Us * Director’s Update * The Natural Heritage Program Network * U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Registers Stillhouse Branch State Natural Area * The Kentucky Forest Block Project * Preserve Spotlight: Blue Licks SPNP1999
Natky30.pdf* And Kentucky’s Top 10 Streams for Rare Species and Biodiversity Conservation Are… * Director’s Update * Pilot Knob Nature Preserve Expanded * Tragedy on Pine Mountain * Northern Leopard Frog Surveys Produce Positive Results * Stipuled Scurf Pea: Searching for a Piece of Natural Heritage * Spring Prescribed Burn Season a Great Success1999
Natky29.pdf* 1998 Highlights * Highlights of the 98th Meeting of the KSNPC * Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund * Black Mountain Update * Treasures on Unsteady Grounds – Kentucky’s Streamhead Bogs * A Good Year for Fire1999
Natky28.pdf* Kentucky’s Highlands – The Cumberland Mountains * Mining on Black Mountain * Putting a Face on a “Last Great Place” * Preserve Spotlight: Kingdom Come SPNP * Dave Skinner’s New Plant Discovery * Notes from the Director * Natural Areas Association Conference Update1998
Natky27.pdf* Kentucky’s Shrewd Mammals – the Soricids * Highlights of the 96th Meeting of the KSNPC * Bug Revelations at Natural Bridge SPNP * Native Plants – In Their Place * Volunteer Profile1998
Natky26.pdf* Rare Plants of the Bluegrass * Goodrum Cave SNP * The Future of Data at KSNPC * Freshwater Mussel Studies on the Green River * Spotlight on Arbor Day1998
Natky25.pdf* Bad Branch SNP * Director’s Farewell * A Time for Healing * Jeff Hohman Receives Biological Diversity Protection Award * Exploring the Shawnee Hills and the Mississippian Plateau * Stewardship Takes to the Skies1998
Natky24.pdf* Palisades State Nature Preserves * September Commission Meeting Very Active! * Land Acquisition Update * Eastview Barrens Dedicated as Kentucky’s 37th SNP * Commission Approves Preserve Design Policy * Clara Wheatley Fills Vacant KSNPC Commissioner Position1997
Natky23.pdf* Emilie Strong Smith: A Lesson on Giving * Hi Lewis Pine Barrens Dedicated as Kentucky’s 36th Nature Preserve * Land Acquisition Update * Kentucky’s History Is Written on the Land * Classification and Inventory of Natural Communities * Stewardship News and Views1997
Natky22.pdf* Conservation and Protection of the Biota of Karst * Update on the Natural Areas Registry * Working to Protect More Land * Copperbelly Water Snake Conservation Agreement Signed * Flood of ’97 Drowns 3,000 Victims1997
Natky21.pdf* KSNPC Submits Comments to Daniel Boone National Forest * KSNPC Aids Rare Species Conservation and Sea Lamprey Control in Vermont * Exotic Plant Symposium A Success * Two New State Nature Preserves Dedicated in Kentucky * KSNPC Awards First Biological Diversity Protection Award1997
Natky20.pdf* Hi Lewis Pine Barrens, Another Unique Area on Pine Mountain * In Memoriam: Dr. Robert Russell Starr * Unwelcome Company * Kentucky Breeding Bird Atlas Completed1996
Natky19.pdf* Those Beautiful Lady’s Slippers * Land Acquisition and Dedication Report * New Faces at KSNPC * Preserve Spotlight: Up From the Ashes – Restoration of Raymond Athey Barrens SNP * Caddisflies: Weavers of Silk1996
Natky18.pdf* KSNPC Celebrates 20th Anniversary * New Preserves Dedicated * Stewardship Program New Staff Profiles * Rediscovery of the Western Sand Darter1996
Natky17.pdf* The Kentucky Natural Areas Inventory * Heritage Land Conservation Fund Makes First Grants * Preserve Spotlight: Bat Cave & Cascade Caverns SNP * Short’s Goldenrod: A Plant with a Past * Which Way Did They Go?1996
Natky16.pdf* Blanton Forest Acquisition * Daniel Boone National Forest: Ten Year Plan for Revision * Staff Update1995
Natky15.pdf* Species Focus: Kentucky’s Bats * Woodburn Glade * Staff Update * Kentucky River Locks and Dams Inventory Conducted * Nature Preserves Designated as Watchable Wildlife Sites1995
Natky14.pdf* KSNPC Part of Prescribed Burning Workshop * Dragonhunter Alert * How KSNPC Selects Natural Areas for Protection * Earth Day and Everyday—The Time Has Come To… * Stewardship News and Views1995
Natky13.pdf* Freshwater Mussels of the Licking River Drainage * KSNPC Staff Updates * KSNPC Makes Strides Towards Seven Goals * Blanton Forest Update * Preserve Spotlight: Boone County Cliffs SNP * Stewardship News and Views1995
Natky12.pdf* KSNPC Receives Two Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards * Blanton Forest - Exploring Kentucky’s Largest Old-Growth Forest * Glade Cress: A Tiny Survivor * Kentucky Outlook 2000: Defining Kentucky’s Next-Century Needs * Freshwater Mussels Declines in the Cumberland River at the Falls * Preserve Spotlight: Beargrass Creek SNP1994
Natky11.pdf* KSNPC Moves to New Location * Natural Areas Registry Program: An Update * Data Services Brochure * Preserve Spotlight: Jesse Stuart SNP * General Assembly Very Good to KSNPC * Winter Storms Means Spring Cleaning1994
Natky10.pdf* Preserve Spotlight: Kingdom Come SPNP * All In a Day’s Work * New Discoveries of Federally Endangered &Threatened Species * Stream Adventures: In Search of Blackside Dace * Volunteer News1994
Natky09.pdf* Alligator Gar: It Rubbed Scales with the Dinosaurs * Welcome to Julia and Steve! * Volunteer News * Preserve Spotlight: Metropolis Lake SNP * KAEE Conference at Blackacre * What is The KSNPC Fund?1993
Natky08.pdf* Commission Conducts Rare Species Inventory at Fort Knox * Kentucky Breeding Bird Atlas Update * Preserve Spotlight: Pilot Knob SNP * Stewardship - More Than Meets the Eye * Natural Areas Registry Program: An Update1993
Natky07.pdf* KSNPC Has a New Director * Status of KSNPC * Kentucky's State Natural Area Registry Program: A Story of Success * KSNPC Rare Plant Discoveries of 1992 * Volunteer News * Welcome Ellis1993
Natky06.pdf* Congratulations, Mr. Hannan... * Volunteers in Action * Kentucky's Rare Flora: The Art of Status Assessment * State Nature Preserve Systems Continues to Grow1992
Natky05.pdf* Mr. & Mrs. Wigglesworth Donate Land * Preserve System Grows * Volunteers in Action * Jackson Purchase Inventory Complete * KY Mussels: Going, Going... * Bad Branch Management Plan * Kris Snyder Joins the Staff * Acquisition of Goodrum Cave1992
Natky04.pdf* Howard Raymond Athey 1914 - 1991 * Volunteers in Action * Commission Acquisition of Chaney Lake Final * New Rare Species List * New Commission Staff Members1991
Natky03.pdf* Sorry, You're Too Late * Commission Host Heritage Conference * New Preserve Dedicated * Volunteers in Action * Breeding Bird Atlas Flying High! * Glade Cress Endangered * Natural Heritage * Rare Plant Studies1991
Natky02.pdf* Westward Ho! * Celebrating 20 Years of Global Stewardship * Natural Areas Inventory: The First Results * Mussels and Important Park of Heritage Program1990
Natky01.pdf* A Greeting and Introduction to KSNPC * Volunteers Are Vital! * List of State Nature Preserves * Discovery! Running Buffalo Clover1989
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