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​ What are the benefits of using e-Search?

E-Search is your one-stop shop to check the status of your license, find out how many continuing education hours you have and register for a continuing education training event. It eliminates the hassle of completing program forms and mailing checks. All you need to access your information in e-Search is your agency interest number. You may also use your last name to obtain your information.

How do I register through e-Search?

All you need is an Internet connection, a valid 16-digit credit or debit card and an e-mail address. Once you have accessed your information in e-Search, the training events provided by the Certification and Licensing Branch will show up at the bottom of your training information. Choose the event you want to attend and click "Add to Shopping Cart." Verify that the shopping cart item is correct, enter your billing information and click "Pay Now." After completing the easy-to-use online process, your confirmation letter will be mailed to you.

How do I renew my certification using e-Search?

Just follow these easy steps to renew online:

  1. Enter your agency interest number or last name in the box on the licensee e-Search page. Only enter one of these on the search page. If you fill in all of the boxes, you will get an error message when you try to search for your records. Then click on the "search" button. 
  2. When the License Search Results are listed, find the row with your name and click on the "Licensee Details" link in the first box on the row with your name. 
  3. On the screen that opens, review your address to determine that it is correct. If the information is not correct, call the Operator Certification Program at 502-564-3170. 
  4. In the row that lists the license information for the certificate you want to renew, you will see "Add to Shopping Cart" or "Cannot Pay." If "Cannot Pay" is shown, you can click on that statement and a box will open that explains why you are not able to renew online. If "Add to Shopping Cart" appears, click on it to start your renewal. 
  5. After you click on "Add to Shopping Cart," a billing page will be displayed. Verify that the license you want to renew is listed. If you want to add another license to your shopping cart, click "Continue Shopping." 
  6. When all of the licenses you want to renew are listed, complete the billing information fields. 
  7. After entering your billing information, continue to the bottom of the page and select the "Pay Now" button.

An e-mail confirmation will be sent confirming that your renewal has been submitted to the Operator Certification Program. After the renewal is reviewed to ensure the required continuing education hours, a new wallet card will be mailed to the operator's address. Verify your address and if you need to make a change please email​ with your current address.

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

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The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.