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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Reporting Guidelines

Guidelines for water systems to document updates such as changes to inventory, contact information, and sampling points, and for labo​ratories submitting data to the Division of Water.
For assistance, contact us at ​​.

​Water systems must notify the Division of Water whenever there are changes to their water system, distribution system, or population served. Use the templates on this page to notify Division of Water about the following:
  • New consecutive connection (for example, when a water system starts purchasing or selling water to a new system) (401 KAR 8:100 Section 2)
  • Changes in population (401 KAR 8:200, Section 3)
  • Changes in the number of meters (use the Annual Data form)
  • Changes in operators (401 KAR 8:030, Section 1(6))
  • New contact person (administrative, owner, or emergency)
  • Changes in sampling point locations for chemical or bacteriological testing, including new locations added
  • Check Drinking Water Watch to see what sampling locations DOW currently has listed.

All templates and forms can be sent to the Division of Water using eForm 169. ​​

Example image from eForm 169 walkthrough video

​All compliance documents for water systems can be submitted for free through eForm 169 on the EEC eForms we​bsite.​ Instructions for creating an account and submitting documents are in the document to the right and the video above runs through the steps to submit.
​Templates and Forms
eForm 169 Instructions
Creating Zip file in ArcGIS Online
Creating Zip file in ArcGIS Pro​​

General information, reporting tools, and example files for laboratories who report samples to the Division of Water.
All electronic data submittals must be submitted to eForm 169 through EEC eForms ​.

How to Combine CSV Files Video​
eBAR Introduction Video
Example image from eBAR Introduction video
Tools and Documentation

Total Coliform Tool developed to facilitate submittal of bacteriological data.
TC TOOL Documentation
Documentation for using the TC Tool.
eBAR V1​​
Electronic Bacteriological Report Tool to facilitate electronic submittals.

​​Information Files

List of active water systems (updated monthly)
List of BACT sample sites (updated monthly)
​List of all sample sites (updated monthly)
Required format for submitting sample data in CSV files

​Example Files

​TOC CSV Example2​
​Example of TOC sample data submittal
BACT CSV Example
​Example of BACT sample data submittal
​CHEM CSV Example
​Example of CHEM sample data submittal
​TOC CSV Example
​Example of TOC sample data submittal

New Rule Implementation​​

The Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), promulgated in October 2024 by the EPA, made changes to the 1991 Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) and the 2021 Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). 

There are several changes in the LCRI, including:​

  • New Baseline Service Line Inventory due in November, 2027
  • Water systems having lead, galvanized requiring replacement (GRR), or unknown service lines on the Baseline Service Line Inventory will develop a Service Line Replacement Plan by November, 2027
  • Most water systems will need to re-evaluate tap sampling sites and develop a new Site Sample Plan by November, 2027
  • Starting in 2028, water systems will be:
    • following a new tap sampling protocol for lead ​​and copper
    • required to meet the new action level for lead (0.01 mg/L) for tap sampling
    • collecting samples at schools and childcare facilities served
    • replacing lead and GRR service lines, and identifying any remaining unknown service lines
    • required to conduct various new consumer education activities and communicate about lead to health departments, schools, and child care facilities
    • ​in some cases, re-evaluating or initiating corrosion control treatment

The DOW will be developing guidance materials for the LCRI and adding them to this page, so check back regularly. DOW will reach out to water systems in the coming months to provide updated guidance and information. ​

For more information contact Elizabeth Dowling,, 502-782-0965.​

Service Line Inventory & Replacement
LSLR Collaborative Guidance
Predictive Modeling Resources - SL Inventories.pdf
Service Line Inventory Template - KY DOW.xlsx
Service Line Inventory Certification
SL Inventory Verification Methods
SL Inventory Statistical Guidance​​
Statistical Guidance Story Map​
Tap Sampling
Lead-Certified Labs

Customer Communication
AWWA LSL Customer Strategies.pdf
Customer SL Notice - Unknown.docx
Customer SL Notice - GRR.docx
Customer SL Notice - Lead.docx
Customer SL Notice - 4x6 Postcards.pdf
Customer SL Notice - 5x7 Postcards.pdf

Funding Information
Fact Sheet - Drinking Water System Funding
EPA List Funding Sources.pdf

Water Treatment
                Coming Soon!

Schools and Childcare Centers
Kentucky Department of Education School Listings
Child Care Provider Listings​

Other Requirements
                Coming Soon!
​​ EPA’s final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) to regulate six PFAS in drinking water was published in the Federal Register on April 25, 2024, and became effective on June 25, 2024. The new regulation applies to community water systems (CWS) and non-transient non-community water systems (NTNCWS). Producing (wholesale) systems are responsible for conducting the monitoring requirements at the entry point to the distribution system (EPTDS). System interconnection points have no sampling requirements; therefore, purchasing (consecutive) systems are not required to conduct monitoring.

Maximum Contaminant Levels
The new rule sets enforceable Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) of 4.0 parts per trillion (ppt) individually for PFOA and PFOS, 10 ppt individually for PFHxS, PFNA, and HFPO-DA (commonly known as GenX Chemicals), as well as a Hazard Index of 1 for mixtures of two or more PFAS including PFHxS, PFNA, HFPO-DA and PFBS.

Chemical​Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
​PFOA4.0 ppt (parts per trillion)
​PFOS4.0 ppt
​PFHxS​10 ppt
PFNA​10 ppt
​HFPO-DA (GenX Chemicals)​10 ppt
Mixture of two or more PFAS including PFHxS, PFNA, HFPO-DA and PFBSHazard Index of 1 (unitless)

Hazard Index
The Hazard Index is a long-established approach that accounts for potential risks when exposure involves a mixture of chemicals. These PFAS can often be found together in different mixtures and research shows that exposure to mixtures of these chemicals may have additive health impacts. The Hazard Index is calculated as a sum of fractions using the health-based value for each chemical when two or more are present. An online calculator will be provided. The formula is as follows:
Formula used to calculate the Hazard Index

Timeline for Drinking Water Systems

  • June 25, 2024
    • Regulations are effective and analytical requirements must be met.
  • April 26, 2027
    • Initial monitoring must be complete, and results submitted to DOW.
    • Compliance monitoring begins.
    • Each system must undertake PN where required and each CWS must report on PFAS in their CCR.
  • April 26, 2029
    • The MCLs become effective for all NTNCWSs and CWSs.
    • PWSs need to be in compliance with all regulated PFAS MCLs.
    • Comply with PN requirements for MCL violations.

Initial Monitoring
By April 26, 2027, CWS and NTNCWS must complete initial monitoring and submit results to DOW or obtain approval from DOW to use previously collected monitoring data. Initial monitoring is based on source water and population.

Source Water and PopulationMonitoring Frequency
Surface Water serving all population sizes
  • Quarterly within a 12-month period
  • Collected 2 to 4 calendar months apart
Groundwater serving >10,000 individuals
  • Quarterly within a 12-month period
  • Collected 2 to 4 calendar months apart
Groundwater serving ≤10,000 individuals
  • Twice within a 12-month period
  • Collected 5 to 7 calendar months apart

Compliance Monitoring
After the three-year initial monitoring period, compliance monitoring will begin on April 26, 2027. Compliance monitoring frequency will be based on initial monitoring results. To qualify for reduced compliance monitoring, results must be reported to at least the trigger level for each chemical.

  1. If systems have initial monitoring with any samples greater than or equal to trigger levels for any of the regulated PFAS, ongoing monitoring will default to quarterly monitoring (one sample taken every quarter) at that entry point.
  2. If systems have initial monitoring with all sample results below trigger levels for all regulated PFAS, ongoing monitoring can be reduced to triennial monitoring (one sample taken every three years) at that entry point.
Chemical​Trigger Level
​PFOA​2.0 ppt
​PFOS​2.0 ppt
​PFHxS​5 ppt
PFNA​5 ppt
​HFPO-DA (GenX Chemicals)​5 ppt
Hazard Index​0.5 (unitless)

Once systems are on regular compliance monitoring, ongoing sampling frequency will be based on compliance sample results.

Compliance Monitoring
  • A system on triennial monitoring meets or exceeds any trigger level
  • A system on annual monitoring meets or exceeds any MCL
  • All regulated PFAS are determined to be reliably and consistently below PFAS MCLs
  • Three most recent consecutive annual samples below all trigger levels

Compliance Determination
Compliance is determined by a calculation of the Running Annual Average (RAA). If a sample result is less than the practical quantitation level (PQL), zero is used for that analyte in the calculation. While the PQL is used to calculate the RAA for MCL compliance determination, results should be reported to at least the trigger level for each chemical to determine monitoring frequency.

Chemical​Practical Quantitation Level (PQL)
​PFOA​4.0 ppt
​PFOS​4.0 ppt
​PFHxS3.0 ppt
PFNA4.0 ppt
​HFPO-DA (GenX Chemicals)​5.0 ppt
PFBS​3.0 ppt
Hazard IndexN/A

​For more information, contact Jackie Logsdon,​, 502-764-1209.

​Customer Communication
Customer Notification from Utility for PFAS Testing.docx

Federal Register :: PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation; Correction

​EPA Technical Support Documents
EPA's Final PFAS Rule in Drinking Water Fact Sheet
EPA's Final PFAS Rule FAQ
EPA's Hazard Index Fact Sheet
PFAS Small and Rural System Fact Sheet
EPA's Final PFAS Rule Monitoring and Reporting Fact Sheet
EPA's Treatment Options for Removing PFAS from Drinking Water Fact Sheet

EPA Communications Toolkit
PFAS Communications Toolkit | US EPA

Additional Supporting Materials
Additional Supporting Materials: Final PFAS NPDWR | US EPA

March 28, 2023, EPA announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would strengthen the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Rule making annual drinking water quality reports with important public health information more accessible to residents and businesses across the country.

When finalized, EPA’s proposal would:
  • Improve the readability, clarity, and understandability of water quality reports
  • Enhance risk communication
  • Encourage modern electronic delivery options
  • Clarify information regarding lead levels and efforts to reduce lead in drinking water
  • Provide translation for customers with limited English proficiency
  • Require reports be issued twice a year (for systems that serve 10,000 or more people)
  • Require states to submit compliance monitoring data to EPA
EPA is accepting public comments on the proposed Revised CCR Rule through May 22, 2023.

For more information, contact Cortni Edwards​ 502-782-1582.​

​EPA Guidance


​​Drinking Water ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Regulations

The state regulations for public water systems in Kentucky can be found in 401 KAR Chapter 8​. These are unofficial copies and the official copies can be found in the Kentucky Administrative Regulations Service and the monthly Administrative Register of Kentucky. To obtain a copy of these, contact the Legislative Research Commission at 502-564-8100, ext. 564. The national drinking water rules can be found in 40 CFR part 141 and 143.​

The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), promulgated in December 2021 by the EPA, made changes to the 1991 Lead and Copper Rule (LCR).


Some LCRR provisions enhance or modify the requirements of the original LCR, including:

  • A requirement for community and non-transient, non-community water systems to develop a Service Line Inventory
  • Increased communications with customers and schools


Under the LCRR, lead and copper action levels remain the same as the 1991 LCR. Contact the Division of Water (DOW) with any questions about lead and copper sampling.


For more information contact the LCRR Rule Manager: Cortni Edwards​ 502-782-1582.

Service Line Inventory & Replacement

Service Line Inventory Template
Service Line Inventory Certification​​


Customer Communication

ProtectYourTap EPA Utility Insert
SL Consumer Notification Certification


Schools and Childcare Centers

Kentucky Department of Education School Listings
Child Care Provider Listings


Other Require​ments​​
                Coming Soon!   ​


As part of the Right-to-Know Rules Public Notifications are an important form of contact between the water system and the consumers they serve, when problems occur. It is a consumer’s right to know what happened and how it is being or has been corrected. There are ten key elements to every Public Notice and three tier classifications depending on the seriousness of the issue. Delivery options depend on the tier of violation issued. Failure to notify the public in the required time period, will result in further violations. The complete Public Notification package needs to be submitted to the Kentucky Division of Water within 10 days of final distribution to the public.

  • Tier 1 violations have 24 hours to notify the public of possible immediate health issues.
  • Tier 2 violations have up to 30 days to notify the public of possible health issues.
  • Tier 3 violations have up to 12 months to notify the public of issues that do not have a direct impact on health.

There are 10 required elements in a public notice. Notices must contain:

  • A description of the violation that occurred, including the contaminant(s) of concern, and the contaminant level(s);
    • When the violation or situation occurred;
    • The potential health effects (including standard required language);
    • The population at risk, including subpopulations vulnerable if exposed to the contaminant in their drinking water;
    • Whether alternate water supplies need to be used;
    • What the water system is doing to correct the problem;
    • Actions consumers can take;
    • When the system expects a resolution to the problem;
    • How to contact the water system for more information; and
    • Language encouraging broader distribution of the notice

A complete Public Notice package will contain:

  • A completed and signed Public Notice Certification
  • A copy of the PN direct delivered for the primary method
  • A copy of the PN Good Faith Efforts for the secondary method
  • A list of locations of public postings is preferred, if the method is used for the secondary method

The PN materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some PN resources, please see the documents, at right.

For more information contact the PN Rule: Cortni Edwards​ 502-782-1582​​

Ground Water Non-Community PN and Special Notice Requirements [58 KB]
Ground Water Community PN and Special Notice Requirements [59 KB]
​Ground Water PN and Special Notice Requirements [59 KB]
​PN Handbook [1812 KB]
PN Handbook for Transient Noncommunity Water Systems [1054 KB]
PN Quick Reference [365 KB] ​
PN Certification [63.1 KB]
PN 10 Elements [110 KB]
PN Special Monitoring EPA Memo [42 KB]
PN Tier 1 Templates [257 KB]
PN Tier 2 Templates [419 KB]
PN Tier 3 Templates [194 KB]​


From 401 KAR 8:020 Section 3.

The supplier of water shall provide a complete monthly operating report to the cabinet, which shall be received at the Division of Water, 300 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 not later than ten (10) days after the end of the month for which the report is filed.
1. A completed report shall include:
    a. Volume of water treated;
    b. Average number of hours per day water is being treated;
    c. Type and amount of chemicals added;
    d. Test results appropriate to be reported by the plant; and 
    e. The dated original signature, or equivalent, pursuant to KRS Chapter 369, of the owner or authorized agent
2.  A supplier of water shall submit the reports required by 40 C.F.R. 141.75(b) to the cabinet not later than ten (10) days after the end of each month the public water system serves water to the public.
3. A public water system shall report to the cabinet in accordance with 40 C.F.R. 141.31. (b) The public water system shall submit to the cabinet a completed Annual Water System Data form, DOW0801, (April 2017) not later than January 10 of each year.


The MOR materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some MOR resources, please see the documents, at right.

For more information contact the MOR Rule Manager: Tekoyia (TK) Brown 502-782-6902.


AnnualData_DOW0801.pdf[32 KB]
eMOR v.3.5.3.xlsx

Purchasers MOR Reporting Guidance [755 KB]
Surface Water MOR Reporting Guidance [1645 KB]

Ground Water MOR Reporting Guidance [1322 KB]​

​As part of the Right-to-Know Rules the Consumer Confidence Report Rule was implemented in 1998. All Community Water Systems (CWS) that have at least 15 service connections and serves on average 25 people, are required to distribute this annual water quality report. The CCR is a tool for consumers to increase their awareness of the quality of their drinking water. The report includes information on the sources of drinking water, possible sources of contamination, and water treatment techniques. The CCR is also used to foster better relations and understanding between the consumer and the drinking water system on the importance of drinking water, the service that is provided to produce drinking water, and public participation opportunities to help make decisions that affect drinking water quality and public health.

CWS must send a copy of the CCR and the CCR certification form after the CCR has distributed to the public, but before July 1st annually to the Division of Water (DOW). The CCR is to include data from January 1st to December 31st of the previous year. CWSs that sells water to other CWS are required to deliver data and information the buying CWS needs to complete their CCR, no later than April 1st, annually, unless a later date is mutually agreed upon.

Distribution Methods Requirements:

  • Population < 500 notify customers by mail, door to door delivery or posting that the report is available upon request
  • Population < 10,000 directly mail or opt for a mailing waiver and publish in newspaper
  • Population > 10,000 mail or otherwise directly deliver
  • Population > 100,000 mail or otherwise directly deliver, also put on publicly accessible website
  • All CWS can use electronic delivery, aka eCCR, no matter what the population size
            - Notification of the availability of the eCCR must be directly delivered with the URL address to access the eCCR
  • All CWS must also perform a Good Faith Efforts (GFE) distribution to reach consumers that do not receive a water bill


A complete CCR package will contain:

  • A completed CCR Certification
  • A hardcopy of the CCR that was distributed to the public
  • Proof of electronic or newspaper delivery, if either method is used   
  • A list of public posting locations is preferred.


The CCR materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some CCR resources, please see the documents, at right, and links, below.

For more information contact the CCR Rule: Cortni Edwards​ 502-782-1582

CCR Certification 1.2.pdf 
​Converting Laboratory Units into CCR Units
​EPA Memo on CCR Delivery Options 
​Preparing Your Drinking Water CCR  
​Best Practices Factsheet CCR 
​CCR Quick Reference Guide 
CCR Template Version 3.0 2024.docx

​The Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBPR) reduces drinking water exposure to disinfection byproducts. Disinfection Byproducts are formed when Natural Organic Matter reacts with Disinfectants used in the drinking water treatment process. 
In 2006 the Stage 2 DBPR strengthened public health protection by tightening compliance monitoring requirements for Trihalomethanes (TTHM) and Haloacetic acids (HAA5).  Taken together, the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rules (DBPRs) improve drinking water quality.
All community and nontransient noncommunity public water systems must comply with DBPR by complying with established maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for contaminants and maximum residual disinfection levels (MRDLs) for disinfectants.  
​Contaminant​MCL(mg/L)​Regulated under
​Total Trihalomethanes(TTHM)*​ 0.080 ​Stage 2
​Haloacetic Acids(HAA5)*​ 0.060​Stage 2
​Bromate​ 0.010​ Stage 1
​Chlorite​ 1.0​ Stage 1

*MCL compliance is calculated using the locational Running Annual Average (LRAA) for each monitoring location in the distribution system.

​Disinfectant​ MRDL(mg/L) ​Regulated under
​Chlorine ​4.0 ​Stage 1
​Chloramines​4.0​Stage 1
​Chlorine Dioxide​ 0.8​ Stage 1

Operational Evaluation Level (OEL)
If an operational evaluation level is exceeded, a system must evaluate practices and DBP mitigation actions. The PWS must submit a written report (OEL form) to Division of Water no later than 90 days after being notified of the analytical result that caused the exceedance.

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Removal
All Surface Water and GWUDI public water systems using conventional filtration are required to remove a certain percentage of DBP precursors measured as TOC. The percentage removal must be achieved unless the system meets alternative criteria.  

​Source Water Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3
​Source Water TOC (mg/L)0 - 60​​60 - 120​> 120
​2.0 – 4.0​35%​25%​15%
​4.0 – 8.0​45%​35%​25%
​> 8.0 ​50%​40%​30%

The materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some Disinfectant and DBP resources, please see the documents, at right, and links, below.

For more information on DBP contaminants and OEL contact the Stage 2 Rule Manager: Tekoyia Brown 502-782-6902.

Sampling Point Location with Instructions 1.1.pdf
Stage 2 HAA and TTHM Data Form  [​67 KB]
​TOC Data Form [​58 KB]
​Bromate Form  [​62 KB]
Bromide Form [62 KB]
​Chlorite Form [​59 KB]
​Distribution System Guideline - Sampling for Optimization v5 [368 KB]
​Stage 2 Disinfectants and DBP Rule Guide  [478 KB]
IDSE Report Form - Kentucky  [​111 KB]
OEL Report 1.2.pdf [50 KB​]



Inorganic Contaminants, Volatile Organic Contaminants, Synthetic Organic Contaminants
All public water systems (PWS) must adhere to the sampling of these 65 contaminants, depending on their water source, type, and size. The general schedule is that ground water systems sample either every year or once every three years and surface water systems are every year. If a system has exceeded any of the Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs), that schedule could change per contaminant. To find sampling requirements, view the PowerPoint in the guidance documents for Chems.
Asbestos enters drinking water through asbestos cement pipes in the distribution system. All systems must sample once in the first three year compliance period of each nine year compliance cycle, starting in 2020-2022, if they have asbestos pipes. If a purchasing system does not have asbestos pipes, a waiver can be requested.
Arsenic standards were lowered in 2001, from 50 parts per billion (ppb) to 10ppb (or 0.010 parts per million (ppm)). With numerous links to a variety of cancers and effects, the newer standard went into effect to offset any long-term exposure.
The nitrate standard is 10ppm (or 10mg/L) and nitrite is 1ppm (or 10mg/L).  Once nitrates are converted into nitrites in the body, they disrupt the oxygen-carrying capacity and can lead to the acute condition known as Blue Baby Syndrome.

The Chem materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some Chem resources, please see the documents, at right, and the links, below.

For more information contact the interim Chems Rule Manager: Julia Harrod 502-782-6967.

Asbestos Data Form [60 KB]
ASBESTOS Waiver 2.0.pdf
Nitrate Data Form [​60 KB]
SOC Data Form [​66 KB]
Sodium Data Form [​60 KB]
​VOC Data Form  [​63 KB]
​Dioxin Data Form [​62 KB]
​Generic Chemical Data Form  [​62 KB]
​IOC Data Form [63 KB]
​Chronic Contaminants and Customer Relations [343 KB]
​IOC and SOC Quick Reference [227 KB]
​Chemical Rules  [394 KB]

Originally established in 1977, the Final Rule was published in 2000 with new monitoring requirements. All community water systems (CWS) are to sample and some will not have to sample for beta particles and photon radioactivity. Sampling occurs at the entry point to the distribution system (EPTDS) and depending on those results, the sampling schedule can change. - If initial results, once averaged for each contaminant, are below the detection limit then each EPTDS is sampled every nine (9) years.
- If initial results, once averaged for each contaminant, are great than or equal to the detection limit, but are less than or equal to one half of the maximum contaminant level (MCL), then each EPTDS is sampled every six (6) years.​
- If initial results, once averaged for each contaminant, are great than one half of the (MCL), but less than or equal to the MCL, then each EPTDS is sampled every three (3) years.
- If any of the EPTDS are above the MCL, the system must return to sampling quarterly until four consecutive quarterly samples are found below the MCL.

Regulated RADs​MCL
​Beta/photon emitters​Beta/photon emitters
​Gross alpha particles ​15 pCi/L
​Combined radium​226/228 5 pCi/L
​Uranium​30 pCi/L

The RADs materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some RADs resources, please see the documents, at right, and the links, below.

For more information contact the interim RADs Rule Manager: Julia Harrod 502-782-6967.

Generic RAD Data Form [​60 KB]
​RADs Data Form [​60 KB]
​RADs Compliance Guide [343 KB]​

​The Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), created in 1991 by the EPA is a treatment technique requiring systems to monitor drinking water at customers’ taps. The number of samples is based on the population within their distribution system and focuses on households that contain lead pipes, connections served by lead service lines, and copper pipes with lead solder.
After the initial sampling period of two consecutive six-month periods, and there are no exceedances of the action level, sampling is then reduced to annual sampling for the next two consecutive years. If there are still no exceedances, sampling is then moved to once every three years, from June through September. If more than 10 percent of the copper levels exceed the action level (AL) of 1.3 parts per million (ppm) and more than 10 percent of the lead samples exceed the action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb), additional sampling and treatment techniques to control corrosion, are required. If the lead AL is exceeded, systems are required to monitor some water quality parameters, distribute public educational materials and may have to replace any lead service lines within the distribution system. The property owner is responsible for any lead fixtures, solder, or pipes after the meter.

The LCR materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some LCR resources, please see the documents, at right, and links, below.

For more information contact the LCR Rule Manager: Julia Harrod 502-782-6967.

Drinking Water Sample Collection Recommendations for Lead and Copper Samples [979 KB]

Avoiding Lead Contamination in Water in Kentucky 2-9-16 [88 KB​]
​Lead and Copper Public Health Education and Requirements For CWS [568 KB]
Lead Public Education Poster [60 KB]
​Lead Public Education Template [41 KB​]
​EPA LCR sampling memorandum dated February 29 2016 [826 KB]
​Lead and Copper in Schools and Child Facilities Quick Facts  [424 KB]
Lead and Copper Quick Reference [335 KB]
Sampling Point Location with Instructions 1.1.pdf
​Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment for Large Systems EPA memo [761 KB]
​Lead and Copper Rule M_R Guidance for Public Water Systems [1637 KB]
​Lead and Copper Data Form [​61 KB]
WQP Data Form  [​62 KB]
LCR Results Certification template_2023.pdf
​LCR Results Notification Template  [43 KB​]
90thPercentile Calculator 1.3.xlsx
Resident Tap Sample Collection Procedures and COC [333 KB​]
System LCR Guidance Letter [40 KB​]
​Water Softeners Aerators Pre-Stagnation Guidance [33 KB​]
​Lead and Copper Public Education Guidance for Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems [1233 KB]
EPA LCR 101 Part ​​1 Webinar 2016 [1028 KB]
​EPA LCR 101 Part 2 Webinar 2016 [30​​​6 KB]​​

The purpose of the Surface Water Treatment Rules (SWTRs) is to reduce illnesses caused by pathogens in drinking water. The disease-causing pathogens include Legionella, Giardia lamblia, and Cryptosporidium. SWTR applies to all water systems using surface water sources or ground water under direct influence of surface water (GWUDI) and developed treatment technique requirements for filtered and unfiltered public water systems to protect against acute adverse health effects from pathogens.

Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR)

The IESWTR improved on control of microbial contaminants by building on treatment techniques and requirements of the SWTR including Turbidity monitoring and performance standards.

Turbidity Monitoring Requirements
Combined Filter Effluent – performed every four hours for compliance standards
Individual Filter Effluent – Continuously monitored (every 15 minutes) to assess filter performance 

Turbidity Performance Standards
- ≤ 0.3 NTU at least 95 percent of the ,measurements taken each month
- Maximum level of 1 NTU

The IESWTR materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some IESWTR (turbidity) resources, please see the documents, at right, and links, below.

For more information contact the IESWTR (turbidity) Rule Manager: Tekoyia (TK) Brown 502-782-6902.

Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR)

The Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule addresses the health effects associated with Cryptosporidium in surface water.  The rule requires all surface water and ground water under the direct influence (GWUDI) systems to conduct source water monitoring for Cryptosporidium and/or E. coli for limited periods of time. 

Based on monitoring results, water systems are classified into “bins” and are required to provide additional levels of treatment depending on the bin classification they reside in. Additional treatment can be obtained selecting from one or more “microbial toolbox” treatment options.  

​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​Additional Cryptosporidium treatment requirements: ​ ​ ​
​Bin​Conventional Filtration​Direct Filtration​Slow Sand or Diatomaceous Earth Filtration
​Bin 1​​No additional treatment​No additional treatment​​No additional treatment
​​Bin 2​1-log treatment​​1.5-log treatment​​1-log treatment
​​Bin 32-log treatment​2.5-log treatment​2-log treatment
​​Bin 4​2.5-log treatment​3-log treatment​2.5-log treatment

The LT2 materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some LT2 resources, please see the documents, at right, and links, below.

For more information on LT2 please contact: EEC DEP Email Drinking Water Compliance

Alternative Disinfection and Oxidants Guidance Manual [5.5 MB]
IESWTR Guidance Manual [515 KB]
LT2-Crypto Data Form 1.1.pdf [313 KB]
LT2-E coli Data Form 1.1.pdf [478 KB]
LT2-Source Water Monitoring Form 1.1.pdf [512 KB]
Complying with LT2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule [919 KB]
LT2 ESWTR Fact Sheet At Least 10,000 People [42 KB]
LT2 ESWTR Fact Sheet Less than 10,000 People [49 KB]
LT2 ESWTR Fact Sheet [60 KB]
Source Water Monitoring Guidance for PWS LT2 [3677 KB]​

​Under the National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations (NSDWRs) non-mandatory water quality standards were set for 15 contaminants with secondary maximum contaminant levels (SMCLs). While they are not federally enforceable and do not present health concerns, they can produce aesthetic (taste, odor and color), cosmetic (skin discoloration from silver and tooth discoloration from fluoride), and technical issues (scaling, sedimentation, and corrosion). Special public notices are required for exceeding the fluoride SMCL of 2.0 parts per million (ppm) or mg/L, but not exceeding the fluoride MCL of 4.0 ppm, within one year of learning of the exceedance. Samples must be taken at the Plant Tap. 
​Contaminant​ SMCL​Noticeable Effects
​Aluminum​ 0.05 to 0.2 mg/L​Colored water
Chloride​250 mg/L​Salty taste
​Color​15  color units​Visible tint
​Copper​1.0 mg/L​Metallic taste; blue-green staining
​Corrosivity​Non-corrosive​Metallic taste; corroded pipes/ fixture stains
​Fluoride​2.0 mg/L​Tooth discoloration
​Foaming Agents​0.5 mg/L​Frothy, cloudy, bitter taste, odor
​Iron​0.3 mg/L​Rusty color, sediment, metallic taste, reddish/orange staining
​Manganese​0.05 mg/L​Black/brown color/staining and bitter metallic taste
​Odor ​3 TON (threshold odor number)​Rotten-egg, musty or chemical smell
​pH​6.5-8.5​Low pH: bitter metallic taste, corrosion
High pH: slippery feel, soda taste, deposits
​Silver​ 0.1 mg/L​Skin discoloration, graying of white of eye
​Sulfate ​250 mg/L​Salty taste
​Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ​500 mg/L​Hardness, deposits, color, salty taste, staining
​Zinc​5 mg/L​Metallic taste

The SECs materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some SECs resources, please see the documents, at right, and the links, below.

For more information contact the interim SECs Rule Manager: Julia Harrod 502-782-6967.

SEC Form Rev.xls [​63 KB]


​Total coliforms, in general do not present a health concern, rather they are used as an indicator of water quality and their absence is a sign of proper water treatment and the integrity of the distribution system. The TCR became effective 1990, with the RTCR in 2016. Sampling site plans must be approved for when and where samples are collected from the distribution system, and the sample must be representative of the distribution water quality. The number of monthly samples is determined by population size, but can be increased by request of the system. If a system increases their number of monthly samples, they are required to sample that number until they request otherwise. The test is presence/absence, with any present samples being resampled, as a set of three “repeat samples” at the original site, within five connections upstream of the original site, and within five connections downstream of the original site, within 24 hours of learning of a positive sample. The repeat sampling sites must be included in the sampling plan. Level 1 and Level 2 Assessments were instituted under the RTCR and are used as a method to assess the system to locate areas vulnerable to contamination. Level 1 Assessments are completed by the system, whereas Level 2 Assessments are completed by Drinking Water Compliance and Technical Assistance staff.


Population Served​Minimum Required Monthly Samples
​0 to 1,000​1
​1,001 to 2,500​2
​2,501 to 3,300​3
​3,301 to 4,100​4
​4,101 to 4,900​5
​4,901 to 5,800 ​6
​5,801 to 6,700​7
​6,701 to 7,600​8
​7,601 to 8,500​9
​8,501 to 12,900​10
​12,901 to 17,200​15
​17,201 to 21,500​20
​21,501 to 25,000​25
​25,001 to 33,000​30
​33,001 to 41,000​40
​41,001 to 50,000​50
​50,001 to 59,000​60
​59,001 to 70,000​70
​70,001 to 83,000​80
​83,001 to 96,000​90
​96,001 to 130,000​100
​130,001 to 220,000120


Seasonal Start-up requirements, for non-community public water systems (PWS), began in 2016 and are required annually. 401 KAR 8:200 and 40 CFR 141 Subpart Y. The Seasonal Public Water System Start-up Requirements and Checklist form is to be completed before opening to the public, submitted to the Kentucky Division of Water once completed, and retained for site inspections and sanitary surveys. 

The RTCR/TCR materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some RTCR/TCR resources, please see the documents, at right, and the links, below.

For more information contact the RTCR and TCR Rule Manager: Rodney Ripberger (502) 782-7049.

RTCR-Seasonal Start-up Form 1.0.pdf
Sampling Point Location with Instructions 1.1.pdf
RCTR Alternate Sampling Site Guidance [111 KB]
​Bacteriological Analysis Form [68 KB]
Bacteriological Analysis Report Form Instructions [50 KB]
RTCR-Total Coliform Positive Sample Notification Form.pdf   
RTCR Compliance Checklist  [666 KB]
RTCR Level 1 Assessment 1.1.pdf [260 KB]
​RTCR Quick Reference Guide [176 KB]
​RTCR Requirement Overview  [1170 KB]
Boil Water Guidance [109 KB​]
RTCR Assessment Triggers Quick Reference1.0.pdf[70 KB]

The Ground Water Rule became effective in 2006, to reduce incidents of microbial pathogens in public water systems distribution ground water. All systems that use ground water, including consecutive systems, except those that combine all of the groundwater with surface water and those under the direct influence of surface water before treatment, must adhere to the rule.
The Triggered Source Water Monitoring requirement is used to evaluate possibilities of fecal contamination when total coliforms (TC) are found to be present during routine monitoring. This monitoring is triggered if a system does not provide or conduct 4-log treatment, a positive routine total coliform sample is found, or a consecutive system has a positive routine total coliform sample. Once triggered the system is required to collect one source sample from each of the sources in use at the time of a positive TC sample. Samples are to be collected within 24 hours of learning of a positive sample, before the treatment process, and are to be analyzed for fecal contamination using an approved method. If the initial sample is fecal positive five additional samples are to be collected within 24 hours of receiving the results. If any of the additional samples are also fecal positive, correction actions must occur.

The GWR materials provided, while not comprehensive, are an excellent starting point for understanding the rule. For some GWR resources, please see the documents, at right, and the links, below.

For more information contact the GWR Rule Manager: Rodney Ripberger (502) 782-7049.

GWR CT Information Form and Calculator-2.2.xls

​Minimum Chlorine Residual Report Form  [​110 KB]
​Consecutive Systems on Ground Water [112 KB]
Ground Water Rule Quick Reference [759 KB]
Sanitary Surveys Factsheet [73 KB]
​Triggered Quick Reference [250 KB]
​Water Well Owners Guide [2616 KB]
​Compliance Quick Reference [289 KB]

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