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​​Well Records Submission and Forms

Water Construction, Modification and Abandonment record completion can be done via the EEC eForms portal.

The new Uniform Kentucky Water/Monitoring Well Reporting eForm is now available!!!

Instructional documents for using the eForm:

(502) 782-4206
Water Well and Monitoring Well Driller: Certification, Exams, Training, Insurance, Surety Bonds and technical assistance with well construction standards and practices, record submittals, and groundwater issues.

DOW6050 Water Well Bacterial Report and Chain of Custody - Use form DOW6050 to report bacterial testing results within ten (10) days of the receipt of the analytical results from the laboratory. [469 KB]

Uniform Kentucky Well Construction Record eForm Instructions - All Kentucky Certified Well Drillers should use the eForm to report installation of monitoring or water wells within sixty (60) days of completion. [2.3 MB]

DOW6020 Water Well Owners Guide - A Kentucky Certified Well Driller shall provide this guide, Form DOW6020, to the homeowner upon completion of a well. [2.9 MB]

Well Construction Diagram - Monitoring Well Flush Mount - This is an optional form that may be used by Kentucky Certified Well Drillers to record information about a well installation using a diagram. [202 KB]

Well Construction Diagram - Monitoring Well Stick Up - This is an optional form that may be used by Kentucky Certified Well Drillers to record information about a well installation using a diagram. [215 KB]

Well Construction Diagram - Water Well - This is an optional form that may be used by Kentucky Certified Well Drillers to record information about a well installation using a diagram. [178 KB]

Sketch Map Example - This is an optional form that may be used by Kentucky Certified Well Drillers to record information about a well's location in relation to nearby landmarks. [99 KB]

Well Abandonment Hand Dug Well - Instructions for abandoning Hand Dug Water Wells. [254 KB]

DOW6030 Kentucky Water Well Variance Request - Use Form 6030 to request a variance in the construction of a water well. [179 KB]

DOW6090 Kentucky Monitoring Well Variance Request - Use Form 6090 to request a variance in the construction of a monitoring well. [180 KB]

​Documents and Forms

eForm FAQs

A: The first row in the casing section will load directly to the casing section of our database. Any additional rows that you add to report additional casing or outer casing will load into a comments field. The reviewer will need to move the information from the comments field to the outer casing section of the database on a case-by-case basis. To report outer casing – add a row in the casing section, but you may also want to note in the comments field of the eForm that you reported outer casing.

A: The only allowed files are .bmp, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .odp, .pdf, and .txt, although the preferred file type is .pdf.

If you have any other file types, including CAD files (.dwg, .dxf, .dgn), you will need to print or convert them to .pdf before uploading as attachments.

A: There are several Web sites that allow you to search for a location to determine the associated latitude and longitude. Several sites are listed below:
Kentucky Well Information Map Viewer​ - Use the search features at the top-left corner of the page​
Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) Water Well Locator - Select “zoom to a location” in the lower-right corner of the page
The Commonwealth Map - Use the search features at the top-left corner of the page
Google Earth - Requires download


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Frankfort, KY 40601    

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